British cat - description of the breed

This beautiful, self-respecting cat can be called an ideal version of a pet. The breed is a real pride of the English nation, and in the world cats and cats of the British breed are gaining popularity.

Brief description of the appearance of a British cat

Description of the breed of the British cat traditionally begins with a description of its appearance. This is a fairly large cat with a well-developed muscular body. The complex is dense, the legs of the middle din. Such cats have a round head with brightly expressed cheeks and small erect ears. Tail of medium length, rather thick. Cats of this breed are somewhat larger than cats.

The British can have different types of colors , but the most popular is the traditional smoky gray color. Shorthaired and long-haired representatives of the breed are distinguished. In short-haired British wool is very dense, dense, does not require much care. Description of the breed British long-haired cat almost does not differ from the description of short-haired representatives, except for the difference in the length of the wool. In long-haired she is silky and dense, sometimes slightly curly. Long-haired cats often have tassels on their ears and between their toes. Their tail is very fluffy.

The character of a British cat

From the description of the breed and the character of the British cat, we can conclude that this is an ideal cat for a city dweller. No wonder it has the name "cat businessman". Representatives of this breed are independent enough, they can easily remain in the apartment for a long time alone. They will always find something to do. Until a year old, the kittens of the British are playful, can spend a lot of time with the interested in their subject. More adult cats lose their activity a little, spend more time in sleep and hygienic procedures, but keep their playful disposition to old age and are ready to sometimes entertain with a piece of paper or a bow fixed on the thread. Despite independence, such cats are attached to their masters. They always meet them at the doorstep, often follow them on their heels. They get on well with young children. Although they do not play with them, they are willing to patiently endure their harassment without showing aggression. British cats are very clean, quickly accustomed to the toilet and spend a lot of time licking their own wool. Such cats and cats can easily get along in one apartment with other animals, including other cats.