Easter Prayers

Easter is the most important holiday in the Christian religion, which personifies salvation, renewal and rebirth. Many different traditions and customs are associated with this day. The energy of this day is huge, therefore it is believed that the Paschal prayers have a special power. They replace the traditional morning and evening treatments, which in the period of Bright Week are called the Easter clock.

What prayers to read in the Easter week?

In this great holiday, you can read various prayers, for example, about healing, health, money, luck, etc. It is believed that all sincere appeals will be undoubtedly heard by the Higher Powers. You can pray in the temple or at home. Great value has privacy during the pronunciation of calls, because nothing should interfere. Set the icon in front of you, as well as a container of holy water. It is also recommended to light three candles next to it. Looking at the flame, free yourself from extraneous thoughts and concentrate only on prayer.

Prayer for Easter on health

If someone in the family is often sick, then it is recommended to conduct a simple ritual and seek help from the Higher Powers. Take a small bottle and pour in the holy water that needs to be brought from the church. The patient crosses the patient's cross in the bottle, and then, three times read this prayer:

"In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, who is washed by water, then the ailments will be washed away. I took that water, gave the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, the cross must be got and put on the owner. Charged water should be sprinkled three times on the forehead of a sick person. It is recommended to carry out the irrigation process three times a day throughout the whole week. The container with holy water should always be near the icon.

Paschal prayer-amulet from quarrels

If there are often conflicts in the family or if the relationship has changed for the worse, then you can use the prayer that is worth reading on the third day after Easter. The proposed prayer is pronounced exactly 12 times, but it sounds like this:

"Lord, help, Lord, bless the bright Easter,

Clean days, joyful tears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, John the Baptist,

John the long-suffering, John the headless,

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, George the Victorious,

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia,

Pray for the common path of the slaves of God (the names of the warring).

Take away their malice, tame their anger, quench their fury.

By his holy saint,

By the strength of the unconquerable, unbridled, lead them to agreement.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for the Easter week at home from troubles

There is a powerful prayer that creates a kind of shield and it will repel all the problems and various negatives from the person throughout the year. As a result, it turns out that in your own words you can create a strong amulet. For this, read the following prayer throughout the week:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Mother Mary Christ worn, Bore, baptized, fed, watered, Prayed, taught, saved, protected, And then at the Cross sobbed, tears shed, lamented, Together with her sweet Son suffered. Jesus Christ is risen on Sunday, Henceforth His glory from earth to heaven. Now he himself takes care of us, his slaves, Graciously accepts our prayers. Lord, hear me, save me, protect me From all troubles from now on and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

It will be interesting to know not only what prayers to read at home on the Easter week, but also what beliefs are associated with this time:

  1. There is an opinion among the people that on Easter night you can see your relatives who have already passed away. To do this, you need to hide with a candle in the church and wait for the long-awaited meeting. It is important not to talk to anyone.
  2. In ancient times, people tried to mock at the evil forces, for which they went to the crossroads with Easter eggs and rolled them on the ground. It was believed that this ritual would make the devils jump out of their hiding places and dance.
  3. In the morning on Easter the housewives looked at the cattle, and if the animal behaved uneasily, it means that he had no place on the farm and he was trying to sell it in the near future.
  4. People of an age wanted to die on the day of Easter, because it was believed that on that day the gates of paradise are open to all mortals.
  5. It was believed that the food from the Easter table has tremendous energy, for example, the remaining bones were buried near the arable land or thrown into the fire when there was a thunderstorm to protect the house from lightning. It was also accepted to keep the head of the consecrated Easter cake and eat it on the field during sowing. People believed that in this way they provide a good harvest.
  6. To be beautiful, during the Easter week, the girls washed with water, in which lay a consecrated red egg. Another interesting sign for girls - if you scratched your eyebrows then, this is for a date, and lips for a kiss.