Melon in syrup for the winter without sterilization

When the melon is not too sweet, do not get upset. It can be procured for future use. How to prepare melon in syrup for the winter without sterilization, we will tell below. The preserves come out very delicate, tasty and fragrant.

Recipe for melon in syrup for the winter



With a melon we cut the skin, and the flesh is cut into cubes and placed in a jar. Pour on top with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. From the jar, drain the liquid, add sugar and vanilla sugar. We give a boil. Then we get a melon filled with the syrup, let it stand for about 10 minutes, drain it, let it boil and fill it again. Now the jars are rolled up and sent for storage.

Melon with lemon for winter in syrup



Melon is good for mine, cut into slices and we clean the middle. Lemon is also mine and cut into slices. Banks are sterilized in any convenient way. Slices of melon and lemon are spread on cans, pour boiling water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring, let the liquid boil. Fill with melon syrup and roll. We turn it over, put it on the neck, wrap it around and let it cool in this form.

Aromatic melon in syrup for the winter



We clean the peeled melon from the peel, cut the flesh into slices. At the bottom of each bank we put a few buds of cloves. The quantity of this spice is regulated independently. If someone does not like her, you can do without it at all. So, lay a melon. Then pour hot syrup, prepared from sugar and water, pour in the vinegar and then cork.

Melon in sugar syrup for the winter



I wash my melon, from seeds and peel. Flesh cut into small pieces. Now we make syrup: in water we dissolve the sugar and let it boil. Prepared melon we put in banks, we fill in with boiling syrup. 10 minutes insist, then syrup merge, put spices. Fill syrup with spices melon, add the vinegar and then roll. Jars put the bottom up, cover and leave to cool. Keep these blanks better in the cold. Successful blanks to all!