How to calm a newborn?

"He sleeps like a child," says the popular wisdom. But, unfortunately, in the first months of life, and sometimes even years of the child, parents face the problem of the child's anxiety before going to bed, and sometimes - his insomnia.

How to calm the child before going to sleep?

Why does not she sleep?

First of all, you need to determine the cause of your baby's anxiety, and then look for ways to get the child out of this state.

Analyze how he spent the day, what he ate, how long he slept during a daytime as well as a night's sleep.

How to calm a child with colic?

The first reason, because of which the child can not calm down, is infant colic. In this case, it will be useful to take the baby in your arms, make sure that he is warm enough (though he should not be too hot), in a calm rhythm, to swirl around with him around the room, to calm him with a voice, a lullaby. Soothing massage for children will be useful. If the child allows, without hurrying, draw a hand over his tummy. Movements must be made in a clockwise direction.

If the colic begins after feeding, hold the child in a "column", pressing to your chest, so you allow the accumulated gases in the baby's esophagus to come out.

How to calm a child after a holiday?

It happens that the reason for the excitation of the child is a very active day, unusual for the baby.

For example, the head of the family had a birthday, and, of course, all the guests came to look at the baby. They noted how much success the child has already achieved, how he became a hero ... Most likely, after such compliments not only at the birthday boy's birthday, but also at the very originator of the celebration by the evening, the head will go around.

What to do if the child is restless because of the change in his daily routine? - First of all, behave as calmly as possible and do not become infected with a child's panic. In a quiet voice, tell him the usual stories, sing the usual lullabies and, of course, change his solemn outfit to a dressing gown or a T-shirt that is familiar to the child. In a word, try to behave as usual, with your example showing the child that no holiday shocks will affect your evening.

How to calm a newborn who simply "does not want to sleep"?

Make sure that your child's regime suits him for his age, and you do not require him to sleep more than he can. Soothing baths for children, calming tea for newborns (linden, chamomile, mint, thyme) - all this can not help a bit in your case, for example, if a child sleeps for five hours a day, and four hours from it day dream, as you again invite him to bed.

Before you start laying the baby, check whether four hours have elapsed since his last sleep. If it is true, the child was on the street for about two or three hours during the day, he is not hungry, his tummy is not upset, the room is fresh and cool, then, perhaps, your crumb simply lacked contact during the day? The best soothing means for newborns is the touch of his mother. Take the child in his arms and sing him a lullaby, her sounds are soothing to the newborn.

In case you still want to arrange a baby soothing bath, good calming herbs for bathing newborns are valerian, motherwort, conifers and calendula. However, do not forget that very often children react to bathing in the opposite way - they are excited, and bathing in unsuitable for your child herbs can lead to skin rashes.