Swelling of the ankles - causes

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person who for life has not experienced swelling of the ankles and associated with this discomfort, which reduces the quality of life. There are many causes of edema of the ankle, which can be divided into several categories depending on their severity and ability to affect the entire body.

Why does the ankle legs swell?

The most common causes of ankle edema, not related to the functioning of internal organs and the presence of any diseases, are the following:

There are also more serious causes of swelling of the ankles, namely:

Separately it is necessary to say about the edema after the fracture of the ankle, which occurs in most cases and lasts for a long time until the bone becomes fully coalesced and the motor functions of the foot are restored.

What can lead to swelling of the feet and ankles?

If swelling of the ankles occurs rarely and pass on their own for several days, this can cause only certain inconveniences in everyday life, but will not lead to any serious complications. Also, do not worry if swelling occurs during "critical" days or periodically during pregnancy (for example, after a whole day on the legs).

If the swelling and pain in the ankle become permanent companions, it creates undesirable pressure on the blood vessels and veins, which can eventually provoke the onset of inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous vessels, varicose veins and even trophic ulcers.

What should I do if my ankles get swollen?

The best and, most importantly, the safest way to get rid of the swelling of the ankle is to lift the legs up, above the level of the heart. The easiest way to lie on a bed or on the floor on a soft rug, raise your legs, lean them against the wall and lie down for 15-30 minutes. Moreover, if only one ankle has swollen, then it is still necessary to raise two legs, so as not to create a difference in blood pressure in the left and right leg.

Sometimes short-term use of diuretics is justified, which should be taken only after consultation with the doctor. If the causes of swelling of the ankles are any malfunctioning of the body, chronic or acute diseases, as well as injuries, all treatment will be directed, first of all, to the elimination of the underlying problem, which, in turn, will help get rid of the ankle edema.

If you yourself can not determine why the ankles swell, you should consult a doctor who can determine the causes of edema and advise how to deal with it, or prescribe a certain drug therapy.