What is the name of Nikita

Nikita, often a gentle, good-natured person, is easy to communicate with him, he is not vindictive or cruel. Has many friends.

From the ancient Greek Nikita translates as "winner".

Origin of the name Nikita:

Nikita's name came from the Greek "Nikitas", meaning "Winner". In Russia there are many people with surnames formed from this name - Nikitin, Nikitkin, Nikitov.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Nikita:

Children with this name are always smart and smart. Strangers do not enter into the conversation. Sometimes, it seems that they are not talkative. In fact, it is important for Nikita to know the person. He will take a long time to look at him before speaking. Trust is very important for him.

Nikita loves affection. Shouts at him do not work. They can take offense and for a long time shut up in themselves. The best approach to them is an explanation of what can and can not be done. Nikitki can not make independent decisions. In this they should help the parents. Small Nikitki should set specific goals. They have a good memory, they perfectly study in all subjects. Nikita is interested in everything. They like to tell various entertaining stories and to seal them on paper. Sometimes, it may seem that there are no such questions to which they do not know the answers. Nikitka sets a goal and strives to achieve it, overcoming all the difficulties that arise. Outwardly, he is more like a mother, but the character is taken over from his father.

Men with this name know their own worth, they are purposeful and well versed in their business. To fulfill the assigned task go purposefully, without being distracted by trifles. They are very selfish, from what their loved ones suffer. They have many friends. Nikits are not opportunists, they do not like to obey, they are deprived of tact and diplomacy.

Men with this name are jokers, adore noisy companies, dancing, traveling. They have an easy character, are sociable, they know how to find common language with people, however, collective work is not for them. They like to work independently, do not know how to adapt to others. Very hospitable. Women admire them.

The Nikits are very kind and gentle, and many of their friends use it. Not rancorous. Do not strive for leadership and wealth. Most often are the soul of the company.

Nikita is a man of business, but they need to lead and guide him. Needs constant attention. He is rarely lucky. Colleagues are respected for diligence. He knows how to make money, not spender, likes to save and save. All the wages are borne by the family. If Nikita will have his business, then definitely will succeed. He will make a good traveler, director and politician, mathematician or physicist.

Family life is not always successful. But he will do his best to keep the marriage because of the children. Nikita likes them very much. In the family life, the Nikits are led, obey the wife. At work, they are despots and tyrants, but when they come home - they relax and give leadership to their spouse.

Interesting facts about the name of Nikita:

This name is found in the main heroes - heroes of old Russian fairy tales. For example, in the epic about Nikita Kozhemyak.

For a successful marriage Nikita women with names Olga, Ekaterina, Taisia, Veronika will approach, but Elena, Svetlana, Maria, Kira will not do.

Nikita's name in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Nikita : Nikita, Kita, Nikiha, Nikisha, Nika, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesh, Kesh, Nikusya

Nikita - name : purple

Nikita's flower : poppy

Nikita's stone : garnet