Forms of schooling

Just a couple of decades ago, about the possibility of distance learning, even thoughts could not arise. Everyone walked along the beaten path first to the kindergarten, then to the school. Today, there are more opportunities and ways of teaching. Modern children are very different from several previous generations. That is why the education system is gradually reconsidering not only the material that is taught in the school, but the very form of submission of this material.

Basic forms of education in primary school

As before, active forms of schooling remain the most in demand. Of course, distance education is increasingly becoming an alternative for children with special needs (it is a matter of various diseases or congenital pathologies, including mental ones), but if possible, parents try to choose the full-time form of schooling.

  1. With the frontal method of submitting material, the entire class is working on one task, the material is then presented by the teacher in the classroom. To a greater extent, the effectiveness of the work depends on the ability of the teacher to interest the class and involve everyone in the work. The disadvantage of this form of education in primary school is that it does not take into account the individual characteristics of each student.
  2. In group teaching, the teacher controls the cognitive activities of several students. These groups can be of several types: the whole class is divided into separate groups and each is given a specific task, it can be created for the duration of the task or for a permanent job. It is important to consider the same inclinations of students when creating groups, level and skills.
  3. There is an individual work of each student. In this case, one teacher assigns one task to each student. In some cases, when compiling it, the level and capabilities of each student are taken into account. Individual forms of education in the school can be attributed and external studies, but it is important to take into account the abilities of the child, because the load will be twice as large.

In fact, these techniques are used by teachers for many years. The only difference is in new ways to bring material to the students. Unconventional forms of education in the school can be conditionally divided into two groups. In the first case, the main form remains a lesson, but the teacher offers information in more accessible and entertaining for children: filling in cards or crossword puzzles, abstracts or role plays.

In the second case, the lesson ceases to be traditional. Instead of a classical lecture, teachers use more interesting forms of school education: lessons in the form of conferences, roundtables or discussions.

Distance learning in school

Not so long ago, with the phrase "correspondence course of schooling", only the evening school came to mind. Today you can receive education at home or at a distance in several ways. Among the new forms of education in school the most popular were the following:

Home schooling is most often e-mail, teleconferencing or the Internet. Among other forms of education in the school this has a number of characteristic advantages. They primarily include training at a time convenient for the student, he will be able to teach every part of the material exactly as much as he really needs.

Such forms of education in a modern school allow you to get education at any distance from the school, to avoid a number of social problems. Unfortunately, progressive forms of distance learning in the school will require the student a number of skills in the network, and from the parents to provide a certain material base.