Old children's films

New children's movies can now be found for every taste, both domestic and foreign. But you always want the child to grow up on the good old children's films that his parents once watched. And why not introduce such a tradition in your family? After all, it's just wonderful, after a Sunday walk get a whole family on a comfortable sofa and watch your favorite movies since childhood, introducing them and their kids.

List of old Soviet children's films that are worth seeing:

  1. "Guest from the future." This wonderful movie is one of the best old children's films. Children, with the example of heroes - Alice and her classmates, learn to understand what real friendship and mutual assistance are. A mysterious melofon intrigues more than modern gadgets.
  2. Most of the children will not understand who such pioneers are, and the school structure of those heads, and therefore parents will have a great opportunity to tell about this page that has already become history from the past of our state.

  3. "Mary Poppins, goodbye." A good Soviet musical film with beautiful music and dance performances is sure to please children. In addition, Mary's refined nanny is somewhat different from Vika's familiar nanny from the TV series My Fair Nanny, and the children will have the opportunity to compare them.
  4. "Dirk". A fairly old film, once loved by all Soviet boys and now may be of interest to the younger generation. In it interwoven friendship, intrigue and a real detective story.

You can also offer children to watch such films:

List of the best old foreign children's films

  1. "The Reindeer". The old film produced by the US tells how after the war of the North and South the family settled on fertile lands and began building a house. At this time, the boy Jody, constantly wants to bring into the house strange for him forest animals, but the parents are against. And one day, the boy still manages to keep a small deer in his home, but eventually he realizes that his parents were right - a free forest animal will never become domesticated.
  2. "Long live the ghosts!". A musical comedy about how the children decided to come to the aid of the ghost of the knight of the Middle Ages and help in repairing his castle, and at the same time with his leprosy to prevent its sale and turning into a crowded hotel.
  3. "Chrismas story". The boy has long dreamed of a gift - a toy rifle, like the Red Rider, but, of course, caring parents against. And then Ralfi asks for help from Santa himself.

Wonderful films of foreign production, on which I want to stay: