Anthurium - black leaves - what to do?

Very often the owners of the flower "man's happiness" simply do not know what to do when their favorite anturium blackens and leaves dry. In most cases, this way anthurium signals a gross violation of the rules of care for it. But it also happens that the blackening and drying up of the leaves is due to illness. About the rules of helping a green pet with the appearance of black spots on the leaves and our article will tell.

Why do the leaves turn black at anthurium?

As already mentioned above, blackening and death of leaves can be observed in anthurium for two reasons: with fungal damage and violation of the rules of care. Therefore, you can only help the flower by eliminating the cause of these painful spots. How to determine what kind of trouble caused the problem? To do this themselves help the spots themselves, namely their dislocation, shape and color:

  1. When the fungus attacks the leaves, the anturium first turns yellow, then the spots change color to dark brown, almost black. Shortly thereafter, the affected areas of the leaf dry out and the leaf completely dies. The process begins with the base of the sheet or its edges, gradually spreading to the whole of its surface.
  2. With improper care of the anthurium, its leaves also turn black and dry. Most often, this happens when the drinking regime is disturbed, but can occur as a consequence of a temperature shock. In this case, the anthurium leaves turn black and dry from the tips.

What if the leaves of the anthurium turn black and dry?

If the blackening and dryness of the leaves of "male happiness" is fungal in nature, then it is necessary to conduct the plant antifungal therapy - gently treat its leaves with a fungicidal agent for indoor plants. In addition, the development of pathogenic fungi contributes to a hot and humid climate. That is why the best prevention of their occurrence will be the daily airing of the room, a moderate watering of the anthurium and a ceramic pot for it.

In other cases, avoiding the appearance of blackness on the leaves will help to comply with the rules of care for an anturium: