Pests of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Tomatoes grown not in the open ground, of course, yield crops earlier. But while in the greenhouse, tomatoes have many diseases and pests. We will talk about the "attack" of insects and the fight against them.

Whitefly . The most important "enemy" of tomato, in the absence of timely measures, insects can damage all vegetable beds. In the fight against these pests tomato folk remedies can use the infusion of garlic. 150-200 g of denticles or arrows are ground, poured with a liter of water and insist 1-2 days. Infusion is brought to a volume of 10 liters and tomatoes are sprayed. From synthetic preparations against whitefly, "Tsitkor" and "Fosbetsid" are effective.

The bear . This is one of the most voracious pests of tomatoes in a greenhouse. To combat it use:

Wireworms. So called larvae of the click, that eating the root system, can lead to the death of the bush. There are several options for how to fight pests on tomatoes:

  1. Baits . On the greenhouse, to the neck, small glass jars are buried, into which are placed raw potatoes or buryak, cut into pieces. The banks are inspected every day, and the larvae are removed.
  2. Chemical preparations . Effective fight with wireworms "Bazudin" and "Reform". They are used according to the instructions.

Biting shovels . These butterfly larvae are small caterpillars that gnaw leaves and stems of tomatoes. From pest control will help the tomato infusion, which is prepared from 300 g of crushed flowering wormwood, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap, 1 cup of wood ash and 10 liters of boiling water. The mixture, which 4 to 4 hours insist, is sprayed over the top part of the tomato. Effective and biopreparation "Strela". 50 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The solution is sprayed on the plants in the greenhouse.