Fortune telling is the most truthful way

Many people want to know their future in order to understand what should be prepared, what will be good and bad events and much more. The curtain of the mystery can be opened with simple, but at the same time effective fortune-telling, which is conducted with maps, fire and other objects.

Fortune-telling and future

Predictions using candles are simple, but effective methods, to find out information on some issues concerning the future. For this, it is necessary to take into account the behavior of the flame. Guessing on the fate of a woman is conducted using a church candle. It is best to spend it at Christmas time, which will help to get the most truthful result. At midnight, light a candle in front of you, and then, carry out the interpretation:

  1. A bright red flame is a sign of change that will bring good luck.
  2. If the flame was dark, then you should expect problems, but do not be afraid, because you can cope with them.
  3. A dark, almost black flame promises serious illnesses and problems in work.
  4. Fortune telling shows that if the flame is high and steady, then you should expect success in life.
  5. A small and weak flame indicates the rendering of negative influence from the side.
  6. The fluttering flame warns that it will be necessary to solve many different controversial issues.

Fortune telling on the fate of cards

Prediction with maps is the most popular, as they give the chance to receive the expanded information. You can use the Tarot or a regular deck that should not have been used before for the game, as it loses its power. Divination for love and destiny must be spent alone, so that nothing interferes and allows you to concentrate on the process.

Guessing "Is He My Destiny?"

Being in a relationship, many women thought about whether the man who is next, the second half, and what future is to be expected with him. In order to get answers to the tormenting questions, you can make a simple Tarot layout. To make a fortune-telling on the fate of the relationship, mix up the older lasso and spread out the cards, the meaning of which can be found here :

  1. №1 - describes the present state of a woman.
  2. №2 - speaks about the real situation in the relationship.
  3. №3 - indicates what unites with loved ones.
  4. №4 - describes the chosen one.
  5. №5 - helps to understand whether a man is destiny or not.
  6. №6 - describes the joint future.
  7. № 7 - a useful tip for saving feelings.

Ancient gypsy guessing on the cards for destiny

The predictions given by the Roma have always been considered truthful, and therefore they are very popular. To make a layout, you need to take a regular deck, which was not used previously for the game, otherwise, the answer may be untrue. For guessing the fate of "Gypsy prediction" it is necessary to take a deck and remove a portion of the cards, and then, arrange them into four rows of four pieces. It is important to spread the cards, taking one from the top of the deck, and the second - from the bottom. Values ​​can be found here :

  1. The first series is the events of the distant future.
  2. The second row - what will happen in the near future.
  3. The third row is a description of the present situation.
  4. The fourth series is the events of the past.

Fortune telling on the cards of Tarot for destiny

A lot of information can be obtained through the tarot layout, most importantly, be able to correctly interpret the value obtained. There are many different layouts, but we offer one of the simple options, which involves the use of only three cards. To lead a fortune telling fortune, mix up the older lasso and put three cards in front of you:

  1. The first judge the events of the past, which led to the current situation in the present.
  2. Thanks to the second one you can learn about the present, which becomes the basis for the future.
  3. The third describes impending events, but they can be changed if certain actions are taken in the present. To finish the fortune-telling, it is necessary to try to connect all three cards in one picture in order to better understand the situation.

Divination of Lenorman for Destiny

For predictions, you need to use a special Tarot deck, the value of which can be found here . You can learn about the future events with the help of the scenario "What to be, that can not be avoided." He gives a detailed description of events, with some things you can change, and others are a fact. True divination should be done alone, spreading out the cards as shown in the figure and doing the interpretation:

  1. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are events of the near future and can not be prevented.
  2. Nos. 4 and 5 - things that will happen under the influence of a fortunate person.
  3. № 6, 7 and 8 - a distant future, which can not be affected.
  4. Nos. 9 and 10 - events of the future, depending on the guessing person.
  5. № 11 - predetermination.

Guessing fate on the runes

The proposed layout "Znahar wheel" helps to understand and analyze the chain of events that stretch from the past and lead to the events of the future. Another accurate guessing on the runes helps to understand what a lesson can be learned from the current situation, so that the guessing person can build a strategy to avoid problems. Take a bag of runes and first ask a question, and then, make a layout. The meaning of the runes can be found here :

  1. Fleece # 1 is a symbol of the East. Gives a description of the events and actions of the past, which led to problems.
  2. Fleece # 2 is a symbol of the West. Gives information about the current situation. In this rune, you can find a vector, indicating the development of the situation in the near future.
  3. Fleece # 3 is a symbol of the South. Describes the events of the future, if you change the attitude towards the situation.
  4. Fleece # 4 is a symbol of the North. Allows you to understand what kind of lessons can be learned from the current situation.
  5. Fleece # 5 is the center. Gives a chance to understand what needs to be done to normalize the situation.

Guessing on the fate of Pythagoras

The proposed methodology makes it possible to obtain a lot of important information that can influence the future. She details nine qualities of a fortunate person. Thanks to this, it will be possible to understand in what direction it is necessary to develop, what problems can arise, existing talents, and so on. The fortune-telling of Pythagoras is conducted in several stages:

  1. First, add up all the numbers from the date of birth. For example, consider the date. 08.11.1989: 0 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 37 is the first working number.
  2. To get the second working number, add the digits of the first, that is 3 + 7 = 10.
  3. For the third working number, multiply the first digit of the birthday (in the example - 0) by 2, and then, subtract from the first working number (in the example - 37), 37-0 = 37.
  4. The fourth working number is obtained by adding the numbers from the third: 3 + 7 = 10.
  5. Write down the numbers on the date of your birth: 08111989. Write down a number of working numbers: 37103710.
  6. Draw a table where you enter the number of digits from both rows, without taking into account the zeros. After that, interpret the values.


Fortune telling on paper

There are many ancient prediction techniques and one of the popular ways involves decoding shadows. It is necessary to proceed to the action after sunset and best at midnight. For him, prepare a sheet of paper, a wide dish and a candle. To conduct an accurate guessing on fate, on a sheet of paper write your question about the future. Crumble it to make a ball, put it in a saucer and set it on fire. Interpretation is carried out on a figure, which was formed from ash. Here you have to connect your image and make associations. The most common figures in fortune-telling are: