Intestinal infection - symptoms and treatment in adults

Intestinal infections are a vast group of diseases considered to be the most common in the world. The causative agents of intestinal infections can be various microorganisms:

It should be noted that the lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with toxins of bacteria do not belong to the group of intestinal infections, but are food-borne diseases. Also, the digestive system can become infected with fungi (usually candida) and parasitic protozoa (amoebas, lamblias), but these diseases are also treated separately. Therefore, in this article we will consider what are the symptoms and treatment of acute intestinal infections in adults caused by bacterial and viral microflora.

Symptoms of intestinal infections

The incubation period for most intestinal infections lasts from 6 to 48 hours. Entered into the body pathogens, multiplying in the intestines, disrupt the digestion process and cause inflammation of the cells of the mucosa of the organ wall. In addition, the causative agents of infection secrete toxic substances that poison the body. The clinical picture is characterized by the development of two main syndromes. Let us consider them in details.

Infectious-toxic syndrome

It lasts from a few hours to a day - it manifests itself with an increase in body temperature to 37 - 38 ºС and higher (however, not always). At the same time, symptoms of general intoxication are often observed:

Intestinal Syndrome

The main manifestations of this syndrome may be different depending on the type of pathogen:

1. Syndrome of gastritis:

2. Syndrome of gastroenteritis:

3. Syndrome of enteritis:

4. Gastroenterocolitis syndrome:

5. Syndrome of enterocolitis:

6. Colitis syndrome:

How to treat intestinal infection in adults?

With intestinal infection of medium and severe degree, accompanied by considerable intoxication and loss of fluid, the patients are hospitalized. Recommended bed rest, a diet for Pevzder. Medication can include:

Symptoms and treatment of rotavirus enteric infection

Although rotavirus infection is considered a child's disease, there are also cases of infection of adults in whom it manifests as unexpressed symptoms or does not occur at all asymptomatically. Recognize the pathology can be on the symptoms of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), combined with respiratory signs (runny nose, swelling in the throat). It is treated rotavirus infection with diet, using rehydration solutions, enterosorbents, probiotics.