Green water in the aquarium, what to do - the causes and ways of fighting

One of the obvious "markers" dangerous for the inhabitants of the aquarium environment is a green shade of water. When the water in the aquarium is green, what to do in this case, not everyone knows. Possible reasons for changing the color of the water mass, it is important to know the main of them and how to properly operate the aquarist in similar situations.

Why does the water in the aquarium quickly turn green?

Care for any pet involves careful monitoring of his health and keeping his place clean. Pisces, unlike cats or dogs, has to spend all of its existence in one tank, so every detail of the ecosystem must work to maintain their health. One of the most common questions that arises in caring for them is what to do if the water in the aquarium is green? There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Incorrect lighting. Flowering of water begins because the roots and shoots of some aquarium plants begin to decay with a lack or excess of light.
  2. Reproduction is euglena. This is the most common explanation for why the water in the aquarium quickly turns green if it has a small liter. A small volume and abundance of plants create conditions for an accelerated increase in the number of euglena.
  3. A rare cleaning of the aquarium. The film from the glass and decorative elements is removed with a soft sponge and a safe cleaning agent at least every 2-3 months, otherwise it "tightens" the surface of the water and filters.

Green water in an aquarium with fish

Solving the problem in an aquarium that performs purely decorative functions, it seems simpler than if the fish live in it. Those of them that appeared in it before the flowering of water, can refuse food and suffer from lesions of scales due to turbidity. Fish transferred to it from a clean container, often die in the first 2-3 days due to a sharp change in microflora. That is why it is so important to find out why the water in the aquarium constantly turns green and eliminate the provoking factor, while the fish have not yet suffered. Choose between two of them:

  1. Poor food. Cheap live food from bloodworm or daphnia can turn out to be foul, and dry flakes often contain second-rate wheat as a basis. Food pollutes water and creates all conditions for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Organic wastes of vital activity. Uneaten food settles on the bottom of the aquarium, as well as particles of processed food. The answer to the question of why the water is green is hidden in the recommendations for the timely harvesting of these wastes.

Why does the water in the aquarium without plants turn green?

Since plants are considered one of the main reasons for the flowering of water, many inexperienced aquarium owners cause a stupor to appear duckweed on the surface of the aquarium, in which hydrophytes do not inhabit. Green water in an aquarium without plants - a signal if not to harvest by fish, then uniquely to replace the filter or its parts. In the tube and underwater attachments, microorganisms are deposited, which produce rotting and fetid smell of water.

The water in the aquarium with the turtle is constantly green

The change in the shade of water in the tank in which the turtle lives, sometimes has nothing to do with its power mode and lighting settings. Dusk-green water in the aquarium can be a consequence of one of two conditions:

  1. Insufficient level of liquid in the turtle. Algae with strong growth can not live above the surface of the water: they fall and die, and the products of their decay create a thin film.
  2. Features of the turtle. Red-eared turtles quickly process food and defecate more often than other species. Experienced breeders of turtles are therefore advised to carry them during feeding from an aquarium to a small basin.

Green water in the aquarium - what to do?

When the film and duckweed appear, the underwater world should be protected from a potential source of infection. Preventive examination for flowering experts advise to conduct 2-3 times a week. If the green water in the aquarium is still there, you should decide how to fight it. Before making this decision, it is necessary to stop the spread of the slimy film:

  1. Fish and plants are transferred to two different containers of clean water.
  2. Stones and other details of the aquarium are washed with a brush or a hard sponge.
  3. The walls of the aquarium are treated with a magnetic scraper or a disused credit card.

Green water in the aquarium - how to fight?

The methods of struggle depend on the volume of the aquarium itself. A small capacity can be sorted out for every need, transplanting fish and taking out the details that are affected by the greenery. A large volume of 50-150 liters suggests other ways of finding a solution to how to get rid of the green water in the aquarium. In sequence, several actions are taken one after the other until the film disappears:

  1. Adjust the lighting level and replace the lamps. It can be turned off at night, and with plenty of daylight, shade one of the walls of the container with thick cardboard or plywood.
  2. Selection of the optimal heating temperature . When the water in the aquarium is green, what its owner would not do, the excess heat will give impetus to the development of the euglena.
  3. Gradual replacement of dry food frozen . It does not contain gluten and bone dust, giving the water a murky tone.

Remedy for green water in the aquarium

When regular cleaning and changing lighting do not improve the situation in the aquarium, liquids and tablets are used based on substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria and algae on the water surface. Manufacturers of such products know what to do if the water in the aquarium is quickly green: they add humic substances to all preparations that fight with film and turbidity naturally. Identify them can be on the availability of components such as: