Fracture of the coccyx

Copticus is what remains of us, mammals, from the tail in the course of evolution. It represents the 4-5 lower vertebrae, which, nevertheless, have not lost their importance in the body, and are connected with the muscles and ligaments of the organs of the small pelvis with the upper part of the body.

Fracture of the tailbone is rare compared to other spine traumas, and it affects older people who have fragile bones due to low calcium content in bone tissue. Also, such a trauma occurs often in children and athletes.

Causes of fracture of the coccyx

Fracture of this part of the spine can occur for the following reasons:

A fracture of the coccyx may be with or without bias, this depends on what caused the damage and how.

The fracture of the coccyx can also be closed or open, but the first variant is encountered much more often due to the peculiarities of the structure of the body. Open fractures occur during car accidents, when the impact force is very high.

Fracture of the coccyx - symptoms

The first signs of fracture of the coccyx are acute pain, which is aggravated by walking, sitting and standing. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray, and a vaginal or rectal examination can determine the presence of bone fragments.

10-15 minutes after the fracture, swelling occurs at the injury site, hematoma may appear, which can persist for a long time.

How to treat a fracture of the coccyx?

First of all, what you need to do in case of a fracture of the tailbone is to go to the trauma department, and while specialists are going to help, put the person in bed. You can also impose a temporary tire with the help of improvised means, but with poor knowledge of anatomy it is better to limit the patient to rest.

In the hospital, the treatment of the tailbone fracture begins with a check-up: X-rays are made, the blood is broken at an open fracture, the wound is treated with antibiotics and measures are taken to prevent traumatic shock.

With closed fracture, the treatment is aimed at eliminating edema and pain. One of the important stages in the treatment of a fracture of the tailbone is resting the victim. Also, purifying enemas are performed during the first few days, so that defecation does not contribute to displacement.

Pain is eliminated with local anesthesia within the first 1-2 days, and within 7-8 days, it no longer worries the victim, so this kind of medicine is canceled.

Operation in case of fracture of the coccyx is carried out in the event that its segments have not properly grown and create chronic pain, and also make it difficult to defecate because of squeezing.

Usually, after 3-4 weeks the patient returns to a full-fledged lifestyle, but in some cases, recovery may take several months if the injury was severe.

To speed up the recovery, appoint physioprocedures and taking calcium in the form of tablets.

Consequences of a fracture of the coccyx

Fracture of the coccyx compared with fractures of other parts of the body does not have a significant effect on the functioning of the body in the future, if the patient was at rest in the first time after the injury. All that can happen is an incorrect splicing of bones, which leads to constipation, and in this case surgery is recommended.

The aged tailbone fracture in case of untimely treatment can affect the neuritis of the coccygeal plexus, when the patient experiences pain from time to time when rising from a sitting position or when placed on a hard surface. Over time, it can go on by itself or by passing several courses of physiotherapy and physical therapy.