How to remove the stain from the iron from the fabric?

Negligence, rush or improperly set mode of the device can adversely affect the results of ironing clothes. When the fabric is completely burnt, and you got a real hole, then fix something late. With a similar problem, how to remove a large spot in the form of a scorch from an iron on synthetics, you can get rid of only by using a beautiful embroidery or masking applique. But it happens that the landlady notices the defect on time, then she still has a chance to try to fix it.

How to remove dark or shiny stains from the iron?

  1. Some believe that such things are not noticeable on dark fabric, but this is a mistake. The problem of how to remove a stain from an iron from a fabric on a black material is often very serious. Make a solution of slightly acidified water with vinegar. Next, wet the cloth and wipe the problem place. Sometimes an unpleasant shine is removed and clothes can be restored.
  2. When things are made of thick material, there is a chance to fix the problem with a razor or nail file. It is necessary to thinly remove the spoiled layer mechanically, so that the fabric after such a procedure and further outwardly remained as flat as possible.
  3. Dampen the toothbrush in the vinegar and rub the clothes in the place where it was damaged by the iron. After cleaning, moisten the material and iron it from the wrong side.
  4. The problem is how to remove the stain from the iron on white, try to solve it with bleach. Dissolve a liter of water in a teaspoon of the drug and treat this solution with a defective place.
  5. Take a regular onion and chop it to make a gruel. The resulting product spread on the fabric, cleaning the burnt trail.
  6. Pour salt on the stain, and then pour it with water. You can use lemon juice when dealing with a light cloth. After drying the salt, rinse the material with clean water.
  7. In business, how to remove a yellowish stain from the iron from the fabric, peroxide helps, but it is better to use it primarily on white clothes. In the cup, draw water and add a teaspoon of this drug. Then simply pour the solution onto the burnt material and allow it to soak in, at the end rinse the fabric. If the defect was small, it will disappear.