34 weeks gestation - this is how many months?

In some cases, women in the situation have difficulties with the correct timing of gestation. Especially often this is observed in those who are first preparing to become a mother. It is these women who often think about how many months are 34 weeks gestation, and how to calculate it correctly. Let's try to answer it.

34 weeks gestation - how many months?

Before making calculations, it is necessary to say that doctors use the term "obstetric month" when calculating the period of pregnancy. Its difference from all the usual lunar (calendar) is that it always exactly 4 weeks, i.e. only 28 days.

Therefore, if the woman's gestation period is 34-35 weeks, then to calculate how much it is in months, it is enough to divide by 4. Thus it turns out that 34 weeks of pregnancy is 8.5 months.

It should be said that in obstetrics it is considered to be the period of the beginning of pregnancy at the last date of the month, which slightly increases the duration of the gestational process. That is why the duration of gestation in 40 weeks is accepted as the norm.

In order to easily calculate how many months of pregnancy is 34 weeks, it is enough to use the table in which this is clearly reflected.

What happens to the fetus and the future mother at this time?

The fetus is actively growing and by now has a weight of about 2 kg and a body length of 45 cm. At the 34th week of gestation, the baby begins to acquire its individual external features.

So, slowly begins to disappear the fluff and the original grease, which remains only in the region of the top of the head and glutes. Skin covers are no longer so red and gradually begin to smoothen.

There is an active training of the formed organs and systems. In particular, the amniotic fluid swallowed by the baby , contribute to the appearance of peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the stomach, which in the future is important for digestion.

The excretory system is active, in the first place, its central link, the kidneys. This paired organ releases 300-500 ml of urine each day into the amniotic fluid.

As for the future mother, she feels pretty good at this time. Occasionally, only shortness of breath may occur, which is a consequence of the high standing of the uterine fundus. Therefore, even as a result of a short walk, there may be increased respiration and a feeling of lack of air.