Blue Stocking

There is a kind of women, looking at which, it seems that they are touchy. Therefore, many men consider it best not to take risks and do not aspire to get acquainted with such. After all, in courtship for such individuals of the opposite sex, they do not see any consolatory prospects. Yes, and they consider personalities, more like a blue stocking, but certainly not as an object of femininity.

Let's try to figure out which women are called such a stable expression, what is the history of the origin of phraseology "blue stocking" and what must be done to not be awarded such a title.

The phraseology is the "blue stocking". History of occurrence

It is commonly believed that the expression "blue stocking" originated in 1760 in the UK in the salon of the writer Montague. One version says that the most active person of this community was one translator, a botanist - scientist, writer Stillingfleet. Instead of black silk stockings, the wearing of which was implied by etiquette, he wore blue woolen socks. In case he missed the salon session, the congregation said that they can not start without a "blue stocking". That is, the first "man" was awarded with this title. Later they began to be called representatives of the weaker sex, who were only interested in science and literature, who did not consider it necessary to care or create a family, etc. Soon, society was started with irony as the "Blue Stocking Society."

In Russia this expression came from France.

So, in Paris, in the 17th century there were salons, the main role of which was played by women. They created the term "learned women". Anna Moore, who was in the British "Blue Stockings Society" in one of her ironic poems, claimed that the French name originated from a wrong and too literal translation from the English word "bluestocking".

In one of Chekhov's works one can meet such a characteristic of individuals called the "blue stocking": "

"What good it is to be a blue stocking." Blue stocking ... Damn it! Not a woman and not a man, and so the middle of the middle, neither that nor this. "

Woman - "blue stocking"

It will not be superfluous to decide what kind of women they call it.

So, outwardly such people manifest themselves in austerity and modesty of appearance: lack of jewelry, cosmetics, lush hairstyles, classic style of clothes, that is nothing superfluous in the external image. By their nature, such women are quite grumpy, they can often be met in a sad mood, sad, irritable. If the "blue stocking" and heard something about flirting, female tricks, coquetry, then in my life refuses to apply this for any reason.

Such women are ready to give themselves all the things they love, work hard, what the "blue stocking" means, has positive qualities that can be appreciated.

Strangely enough, but such an unusual, peculiar woman is able to love a man. Usually the "blue stocking" is attractive for a calm, mature, held representative of the strong half of humanity. He, first of all, appreciates the depth of the inner world, the intellectual abilities of such women and finds the keys to the heart of a woman with such a complex character.

Women - the "blue stocking" prefer to spend most of his time in museums, libraries. If she is busy developing her own business, she often lingers late at work. Subordinates can only guess about the personal life of this man, and some even guessed her absence.

How not to be a blue stocking?

If you understand that you lack femininity, self-confidence, then one of the ways not to be a "blue stocking" is repetition, affirmations for self-confidence. Or you want to develop your communication skills both with the opposite sex, and with people in general. Try to look feminine, watch your gestures, behavior, gait.

So, every woman, regardless of whether she aspires to scientific knowledge or prefers to spend free time buying clothes for herself, should realize that she must always develop a womanhood in herself. After all, this is the personal basis of any woman.