Funny contests for women

No festive cultural and mass event can not do without cheerful and funny contests. Such holidays as March 8 or the girl 's birthday are not an exception.

Here are some funny women's contests

  1. Smile . Several participants of the contest are offered to smile as: a girl who likes her boyfriend, a mother with a baby, a student with a double-teacher, the teacher, who injected the child with a parent, like a person who won a million in a lottery. Take photos of the smiling girls and show the audience that they will determine the winner. You can show smiles on the big screen and hold an open vote.
  2. A witch on a broomstick . Throughout the dance floor, place the pins so that they form a long wavy line, place more pins to make it harder for them to pass. Participants in turn should to the music "fly" on the broomstick snake between the pins and try to knock them down as little as possible. The winner is the one who most accurately "flew" on the broom.
  3. Binoculars . Competitors are given flippers and binoculars. On impromptu tracks are placed various obstacles like bottles, empty buckets, chairs, boxes and so on. The task of the participants to go through the path, looking through binoculars from the back side, and at the same time, they will not encounter obstacles in the way. The one who has knocked down as few subjects as possible wins.
  4. Phantoms . One of the funniest and most interesting competitions for any holiday is "Fantasy". This game does not lose its relevance for more than one hundred years. Its rules are known to all. It is advisable to hold this competition, when the team is already "warmed up" decently. On small pieces of paper, comic assignments like "dance on one leg", "confess love to the boss", "eat an apple without hands" are written. To make the contest more interesting, you can put assignments in balloons, inflate them and hang them around the hall. Let the contest participant select the ball himself, burst it and complete the task. Winners here do not reveal - the meaning of the contest in general fun.
  5. Cleaning . Before the competition, do a little "training". It is necessary to scatter small debris like candy wraps, cigarette packs, plastic glasses, beer cans all over the area of ​​the stage or the dance floor. Participants are divided into two teams, each with two people: one, blindfolded, with a scoop and a broom collect garbage, and the other, in a voice prompts which way to go, where to bend and what to lift. The team that wins as many items as possible wins.

Funny contests for girls can be not only active, there are several options for competitions for a fun company at the table: Associative thinking. Participants sit on chairs forming a circle. The first one speaks any second word in the ear, and the other says a word that associates it with the first. And so on in a circle. The number of participants is unlimited. When all the girls said their word - the presenter says the words: the first and the last. Usually the result is very ridiculous.

And what if ... The essence of the competition is that the participants are asked any tricky questions, for example: "Did you dye your hair and the color turned green?", "Do you spend time in a restaurant with a man and suddenly, he runs away without paying?", "You made a presentation all night long, and when you started showing it to your customers - did they see your piquant photos?"

Funny and interesting contests for women can be invented and by yourself, and you can conclude an agreement with a special event-agency, which specializes in organizing celebrations.