Last month of pregnancy

As you know, the last month of pregnancy for the future mother is most exciting, because presupposes preparation for the most responsible moment of the entire process of gestation, - to childbirth. Let's consider this time interval in detail, and we will dwell in detail on the sensations of a pregnant woman at such a time, the peculiarities of her diet, and also tell about the future baby.

What difficulties and disorders can a pregnant woman face at the end of pregnancy?

As is known, at the end of gestation, there is a phenomenon such as the lowering of the abdomen, which is associated with a change in the position of the fetal body, the entrance of the head into the cavity of the small pelvis. At the same time, the pregnant woman feels a sharp relief: it becomes easier to breathe, dyspnea disappears. However, the lowered child exerts great pressure directly on the organs of the small pelvis and the lower third of the abdomen. It is here that the digestive and excretory systems are located. In this regard, special attention should be paid to nutrition in the last month of pregnancy: from the diet, it is absolutely necessary to exclude smoked products, pickles, products that increase gas production (fruits, vegetables, flour products, etc.). In the last month of pregnancy, nausea is often observed, which can also be caused by the above-described cause.

If we talk in general about the state of health of a woman, then the future mothers feel well during the last month of pregnancy. Despite the big belly, they do not cease to lead a habitual way of life, moreover they remember what was previously forbidden. So, sex in the last month of pregnancy is no longer a prohibition, and doctors recommend actively to deal with it from 38-39 weeks, if, of course, there are no contraindications (partial detachment of the placenta, for example). Some women only feel the orgasm during the last month of pregnancy when making love, because before that, all the thoughts were about how not to hurt the baby. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that frequent intercourse can provoke the onset of labor.

With regard to violations and problems that almost every future mother faces on a long term, it should be noted among such:

So, insomnia, heartburn and swelling in the last month of pregnancy are the most common phenomena that make the pregnancy uncomfortable. The first of them is the result of increased emotional stress, which is caused by the experiences of the future mother, but heartburn is a consequence of the non-compliance with the diet, which was mentioned above.

With regard to edema, then, if they are available, the doctor sets the woman to a certain drinking regimen: a day not more than 1 liter of liquid.

How much does the child gain and what happens to him in the last month of pregnancy?

Normally, a baby for 9 gestational month should gain 200-300 g per week. From these indicators it follows that, in general, during the last month of pregnancy, the fetus grows to 800-1200 g (3300-3500 g at birth). The weight of the body of the most prospective mother for the entire gestational period increases by about 10-14 kg.

As for the changes, they are aimed at improving the performance of organs and systems. The respiratory system, in which the surfactant is produced, ripens, the substance responsible for pulmonary spreading with the first breath. Brain activity is activated. The kid is already fully ready to be born. By the way, from the 37th week of pregnancy is termless, so the birth of a baby at this time is quite normal.