Church of Niguliste

The most notable landmark of Tallinn is the former Lutheran Church of Niguliste. It is located in the Old Town , next to the Town Hall Square , and thanks to the high spire it is visible from anywhere in the city. Therefore, tourists who study the capital of Estonia , can always find a way to it without a guide.

Church of Niguliste - description

The church was built in the 13th century by German merchants and is named after the patron saint of all the navigators of St. Nicholas. The building has long been out of service. Instead, the church became one of the four branches of the Estonian Art Museum, attracting tourists with unique exhibits. The most epic is the canvas of Bernt Notke "Dance of Death", representing the world through the eyes of a medieval man. The church regularly hosts concerts of choral singing and organ music.

History of creation

The Church of Niguliste (Tallinn) founded the settlers from the island of Gotland, presumably in 1239. A simple building at the beginning of the 13th century turned into a three-nave church with a hall and four grass. But in its original form the temple has not survived to our days, because throughout the centuries it has been constantly rebuilt.

The church also played an important role in the defense of the city, so it served as a fortress before the wall was built. That appearance, in which the temple appears before modern tourists, began to form around the 14th century. During this period, the western tower was erected, towering over Tallinn to this day.

Surprisingly, the church was not used for its intended purpose since the construction was completed. So, the merchants concluded deals and conducted trading business, so Niguliste can easily be called a medieval supermarket. This miracles associated with the temple, do not end, because this is the only church that managed to survive the invasion of Protestants. The monastery's activities were terminated due to hostilities in 1943.

Niguliste was seriously injured during the Second World War, when a fire broke out in the building because of the bomb dropped by the Nazis. Although most of the valuable exhibits managed to be removed in 1943, but the remainder was completely destroyed. The restoration work took a lot of time and money, but was not wasted. Because in the church Niguliste first opened a concert hall, and then a branch of the Art Museum.

The church in the present time

The main treasure and the main exhibit are medieval altars, tombstones and medieval silverware. Tourists who visited Tallinn on December 6, May 9 and November 1, will be able to see one of the wonders of Niguliste, because it is these days that open the doors of the main altar, created in the 15th century.

Before visitors appear in all magnificence wooden painted statues of Christ, the Virgin, Saints and Apostles. The church also exhibits exhibits describing the history of Estonia . All the objects presented earlier decorated other temples, but are now collected in the church of Niguliste. When visiting the temple, you should consider the painting "Dance of Death", with which many legends and mysteries are connected, and also go to the southern wall, where the oldest tree in the city grows - the lime tree. According to legend, under the tree is buried a famous church chronicler, who died of the plague.

At the end of the street there is a one-story house in which the executioner once lived, so the townspeople were afraid to go to this part. A copy of the sword that belonged to the executioner can be seen in the Town Hall building . Why the church preserved its wealth during the reformation is due to the prudence of the abbot. When an angry mob smashed the nearby cathedrals and approached Niguliste, he ordered to seal the castles with lead. The crowd could not overcome the barrier, gradually its anger faded, but the treasures of the church were preserved.

Useful information for tourists

The Church of Niguliste in Tallinn works on all days of the week, except Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as public holidays. Visit time is from 10.00 to 17.00. Orientation for the search for the church tourists is the ornate dome, which crowns the weathervane in the form of a cockerel.

Walking in Tallinn, you can check the saying of Estonians - "all roads lead to Nigulsita." The ticket price should be specified at the ticket office, because for adults and children different prices apply. You can visit the museum free of charge on May 18, when the Niguliste church is open until 23.00.

How to get there?

To reach the church of Niguliste will not be difficult, because it is in the Old Town . You can reach here by any means of transport. In the Old Town, you should find the Toompea tower, which is distinguished by its height. If you take as the landmark of the Town Hall Square, then from it to the church, the journey will take several minutes on foot.