Planting dahlias in the spring

In how to properly plant dahlias in the ground in the spring, there is nothing complicated. It will be enough to observe a few simple rules of pre-planting tubers, and soon these bright flowers will decorate your infield. There are three types of dahlias - early, medium and late. Early and medium varieties can be started to germinate already in the middle of March, but, of course, not in the open ground. To do this, you need containers filled with loose nutrient soil.

When we plant dahlias in the spring first into containers, this allows us to get a flowering plant much earlier than if it were planted directly into the ground. These flowers are thermophilic, and planting dahlias in the soil in the spring begins no earlier than the onset of May. For medium and late varieties, sprouting in containers is not necessary, they will have time to bloom on time and outdoors, if not delay the time of planting.

How to plant dahlias in the spring?

First of all, the tubers must be prepared for planting. It consists in cleaning the damaged parts and dividing into parts of a large tuber node, which was excavated in autumn. To plant in one hole, leave two tubers with sprouts. This will get a strong plant that will give a lot of buds. If you leave a larger number of nodules, they will give a lot of small seedlings that will interfere with the development of each other and nothing good will come of it. Places of slices should be sprinkled with charcoal.

In the event that any of the tubers rotted or has any damage, it must be safely thrown out so that there is no infection of healthy rhizomes. To do this, they are separated from healthy parts with a sharp knife, and the remaining tubers that go to planting are soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After that, the tubers need to be given a few days to adapt to the surrounding temperature and wake up the kidneys, if the shoots have not yet moved into growth. The tubers are sprinkled with a small amount of fresh loose earth or sawdust and well moistened. In the daytime, containers with tubers are kept either in the greenhouse or in the air, but not under direct sunlight, and for the night enter into the room.

Once the soil warms up to 10-15 degrees, you can proceed to plant dahlias in the ground. For this, either grooves are made (they plant tubers at the same distance), or holes (which is more convenient and not so laborious). The distance between plants depends on the variety - the taller the bush, the more it should be. For stunted varieties, you should retreat about 30 centimeters, and for the giants, 80 centimeters will be just right.

The depth of the hole is about 10 centimeters, the germinating tuber should not be deeply buried in the ground. If the ground is dry, it should be poured abundantly directly into the hole before planting. The nodules are planted horizontally, so that the plant grows a powerful root system.

Care for spring dahlias

After the dahlias are planted, do not worry them too much with your care. It will be enough to weed the weeds that are take nutrients from the soil. Watering, too, is not particularly necessary, because in spring the soil contains still a sufficient amount of moisture. An exception can only be the hot weather in May. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil above the plantings, so that oxygen can easily enter into it, and there would be no obstacles to the sprouting of young greenery.

When the seedlings are sufficiently grown, it is necessary to leave only two of the most powerful sprouts and during the whole vegetation period to do pasynkovanie to get large buds. Do not abuse fertilizers in early spring, otherwise the plant will increase a large green mass, but the flowers will be small.