
This plant is brought to us from South America and belongs to the family of grape. Easy growing and always green foliage make Roicissus simple in care and smart in the interior. Roicisus flower can be ampel, ground cover or to grow along a suitable support, in height it reaches more than a meter, and in the greenhouse conditions some specimens grow to 4 meters. Several species of this plant are known, but the most popular are the rhombic and Cape Roicisus.

Roicisium rhombic (birch)

The plant received its second name because of the similarity of leaves with birch leaves. The unpretentiousness of this kind allows to place it in a light or, on the contrary, shaded place, but "birch" does not like direct sunlight. Another important condition for the maintenance of rhombic roicess is the absence of drafts, it is advisable not to plant the plant in the open ground. The plant prefers moderate and regular watering, it is desirable to spray the bush often, in order to maintain a moderate humidity. A room birch tree especially requires sprinkling in winter, when heating batteries start to work, and "bathing" the plant greatly improves its growth and appearance of new leaves. In case the birch tree is already so large that it is difficult to bring it to the bath, it is enough to take a damp cloth and wipe the leaves of the plant.

Roicisus-birch can be kept in ampel form, but often mistresses make special supports, according to which the plant will gradually grow up. A good idea is to place a pot with a bush on the bottom shelf of the flower stand, which has several tiers, then the birch tree will be dragged along the stand, turning it into a real green corner. Only in this case it will be necessary to follow the direction of the shoots so that they do not deprive the light and do not weave other flowers that will stand higher.

Roicissus Capsky

This liana with aerial antennae in content is similar to other plants of this family, it needs scattered light or partial shade, regular watering, frequent spraying and periodic "bathing" or wiping of leaflets. Externally, Cape Roicissa can be distinguished by leathery evergreen leaves, which have brown fuzz on the bottom. Brilliant leaves of the plant are notched and can reach 20 cm in length, resembling the shape of the heart.

The plant can grow up to 2 meters in an apartment, so it needs a vertical support for weaving. Be careful when washing Roicissa leaflets, if you squeeze them, then soon unattractive brown spots appear on the edges of the sheet, it is better to pour the leaves from the shower or gently wipe with a damp cloth, not squeezing them.

Roicisus: care

As already mentioned, all plants of this species love moisture and quietly suffer a lack of lighting. Basics of care involve not only watering and sprinkling, but also an annual transplantation of the bush. Each time it is desirable to increase the volume of the pot, but for an adult roicess, which is not so easy to transplant, it is enough to replace the top of the soil in early spring or late summer.

To reproduce Roicissa, cuttings are used which can be kept for some time in water or immediately planted in the soil intended for young plants. Cuttings can be obtained after pruning the plant, by the way, it is pruning that will help you form a beautiful and dense bush, and in addition, protect other plants from braiding with stalks of Roicissa.