Growing potatoes under straw

It's not for nothing that they say that potatoes have become a second bread for most of our compatriots for a long time already, because many simply do not imagine their table without it, everyday or festive. Annual planting and harvesting of potatoes has become traditional for millions of families, and the question of how to achieve the most effort and time of maximum harvest with the least expenditure is very relevant. Beautiful, but now half-forgotten, the way to solve this problem is planting potatoes under the straw. But as they say "everything new is a well-forgotten old", and the cultivation of potatoes in the straw again comes back from oblivion.

Technology of potato growing under straw

Cultivation of potatoes under the straw, no doubt, can be attributed to the methods of bio-agriculture, because in this case it is not necessary to use neither pesticides, nor growth stimulants. Without any chemistry the potatoes grown in this way will please with a huge crop and fine quality. What is the secret? The thing is that a layer of straw creates ideal conditions for the growth of potato tubers, while preventing the growth of weeds and pest life. Under the straw is always cool, which is very important for potatoes, because its tubers stop growing when the temperature exceeds the level of 22 degrees. Through the straw, oxygen flows freely, preventing rotting and the development of pathogenic fungi. During the decomposition of straw, carbon dioxide is released, which accelerates the growth and maturation of tubers. Straw becomes a favorite habitat for predatory insects, which destroy pests of potatoes, for example, the same Colorado beetle . In addition, straw perfectly retains moisture, preventing the earth from drying out. Exhaustive care for planted potatoes - weeding, hilling, watering, sprinkling from beetles - is not needed, it is enough to water it when planting. How to plant potatoes under the straw?

  1. We clear the area chosen for planting from last year's garbage: dry leaves, branches.
  2. We pour peat onto the peat layer with a layer of 10-15 cm. You can, of course, do without peat, planting potatoes in previously loosened and moistened soil.
  3. Ways of planting potatoes under the straw are two: in rows or square-nest way. For planting under the straw, you do not need to dig holes, just lay the seed potatoes on the surface of the ground or peat ..
  4. Before planting potatoes under the straw, it must first be germinated.
  5. We fall asleep with potatoes with a straw layer of at least 30 cm. To prevent the straw from scattering rain and wind, we press it with boards or heavy branches. Alternatively, it is possible to form trenches with a depth of 70-100 mm, into which to plant our potatoes, covering the top with a layer of straw 12-15 cm. In this case, the potatoes will please their shoots much more quickly, because the soil will be much warmer
  6. For harvesting, it will be enough just to rake the straw and pick potatoes. A straw can be used again in the next year, or put in a compost pit for decay.

As can be seen from the foregoing, planting potatoes under the straw is an easy way to get a good harvest, while applying minimum labor and causing minimal damage to nature. But, as it usually happens, besides obvious advantages, this method has some disadvantages. Firstly, for this method, straw is needed. And it needs a fairly impressive amount - at least one hundred to forty cubic meters will be required. You can find it either in the fields or in livestock farms, but in any case - this is an additional cost of money. Secondly, slugs can be created in rotting straw, which will have to be collected manually. So, this way of growing potatoes can not be called universal, because not everyone will be able to apply it.