Mud treatment - indications and contraindications in the therapy of various ailments

Mud therapy, the indications and contraindications of which have been studied quite well for today, is one of the most useful and effective procedures. Healing mud compositions are sold in many cosmetic shops and pharmacies. Knowing how to properly use mud, it can be used in the home.

What is mud therapy?

The essence of pelo-therapy is the application of therapeutic mud to the diseased parts of the body. Peloids fight with microbes, suppress the reproduction of fungi, purify the skin, normalize blood circulation in tissues and increase their tone, stimulate regeneration processes, stabilize fat balance and perform many other functions. Therapeutic mud - what is it? This formation of natural origin, consisting of water, minerals and organic substances. Muds are:

Mud treatment, indications and contraindications of which will be described below, gives a positive effect due to such actions:

  1. Chemical. The diverse composition of peloids, penetrating the body through the skin, is rapidly absorbed into the blood and circulates throughout the body with blood flow. Chemical elements provide astringent and tanning effects. Due to them, reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms stop, oxidation-reduction processes are stimulated.
  2. Thermal. Dirt acts as an irritant and affects the thermoregulatory and metabolic processes, blood circulation. Mud therapy, the indications and contraindications of which allow it to be used for many ailments, dilates blood vessels, normalizes tissue respiration.
  3. Adsorption. Dirt absorbs salts, fats, metabolic products, uric acid and other substances. This improves the suction function of the epidermis.
  4. Mechanical. Large-scale applications and baths act on the skin like a massage. This helps to accelerate blood circulation, trophic and metabolic processes.

Healing mud - composition

Favorable effect of peloids is provided by the presence of vitamins, salts, metals, hormones, organic compounds, biogenic stimulators, gases - the products of vital activity of various microorganisms. Any curative mud consists of three main components:

  1. The basis. It includes clay and sand particles, calcium and magnesium salts.
  2. Mud solution. It consists of dissolved acids of organic origin, and salts of brine.
  3. Colloidal complex. It is represented by humus and organic.

How long does the healing mud retain its properties?

In order to maximize the benefit of mud treatment at home, fresh peloids should be used. To do this, you need to know the rules for storing the main treatment formulations:

  1. Peat mud should be wrung out and stored in canvas bags. In this state, the substance can retain its properties for up to a year.
  2. Mud treatment with sapropel, indications and contraindications to the use of which differs little from recommendations for the use of other mud, can be carried out for several years. Under one condition, the peloids should be kept dry in a hermetically sealed container.
  3. Silt mud is also stored for several years - in a dark cool place. In order for mud treatment at home to continue to be effective, the healing composition should not be allowed to freeze.

Mud therapy - indications

In a word, it's impossible to describe everything that curative mud treats. The spectrum of its application is wide. Peloids cope with various diseases perfectly. They are appointed for:

Therapeutic mud for joints

Pelotherapy in most cases is used just for the treatment of joint diseases. This method is considered the most affordable, effective and harmless. Mud treatment is prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joint , arthritis , tendinitis, bursitis, gout and other diseases. As a rule, mud peloids are used for therapy, but other compounds also help effectively.

Mud cure of knee joints helps to remove puffiness, returns mobility to joint structures, increases the volume of movements. Dirt activates a huge number of biochemical reactions in the body. Moreover, it does this at the cellular level, which allows to normalize the work of different organs and strengthen immunity - both general and local.

Mud joints become more effective if the compounds are applied to zones with maximum sensitivity. This is due to the fact that the chemicals that make up the peloids affect the exteroceptors, and the production of oxycorticosteroids is accelerating. Mud therapy for arthrosis and other diseases that have passed into a chronic form should be long and consist of eight to nine sessions, made with mandatory three-month breaks.

Mud Treatment in Gynecology

Peloids can be treated almost everything. Has mud therapy indications and contraindications in gynecology. The most common method of treatment - the so-called mud pants. The essence of the procedure is to apply peloids, heated up to 37-45 degrees, on the abdomen, thighs and waist. Keep the applique on the body for 20-30 minutes. After the mud is washed off, it is desirable for a woman to spend another half an hour alone in bed.

To ensure that the therapy is as effective as possible, it is desirable to take at least 15 procedures. Sometimes instead of "cowards" women are recommended to do peloid swabs. In this form of mud for infertility treatment are suitable. The swab is made with a special syringe - the dirt, heated to 46 degrees, is inserted into the vagina. Stay inside the medicine should be from 10 minutes to an hour - depending on the general health of the patient. The dirt is washed out with a syringe. After the procedure a woman needs to rest for at least an hour.

Mud treatment for gout

This disease develops against a background of impaired uric acid metabolism. Mud therapy has indications for use even with gout. Healing mud activates the work of internal organs, cleans them, strengthens the immune system. Before using peloids need to warm up to 36-42 degrees. Only for the treatment of an ailment in an active form the composition is applied cold. Dirt is applied to the affected area with a layer of 1-2 mm, wrapped in a film and a warm cloth. Keep the application should be 30-40 minutes. The standard course of treatment consists of eight to nine procedures.

Dirt for the body

Often carried out treatment with mud of skin diseases. Peloids are suitable for dealing with different problems:

The essence of the therapy is simple and consists of applying dirt to the affected parts of the epidermis. Keep the application should be from 15 minutes to an hour - depending on the neglect of the disease and the characteristics of the body. The optimal duration of the treatment course varies from 8 to 15 procedures, but after the first applications it will be possible to notice positive changes.

Dirt for the face

Cosmetology pelotherapy also recognizes. The therapeutic mud from acne relieves, removes black dots, rejuvenates the skin, relieves inflammation and masks the age-related changes. With peloid masks, no other home remedy can be compared in efficiency, but they need to be done competently. Mud can not be restrained on the skin, it is washed off carefully, and after washing it is highly recommended to treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Mud for hair

Many hairdressers advocate the treatment of mud hair. The application of peloids to the scalp strengthens the roots, prevents hair loss, speeds up their growth, makes the curls more shiny and obedient. Easy massage with mud helps fight dandruff, eliminates seborrhea symptoms, itching, soothes inflammation. In addition, the regular application of mud has a rectifying effect.

Therapeutic mud - how to use at home?

There is nothing difficult to use peloids, but certain rules are worth following. Therapeutic mud application at home is:

  1. After removing the application or compress, you must always rest for at least half an hour.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to all recommended temperature parameters.
  3. At the time of treatment it is better to give up alcohol, nicotine. During this period, it is also important to avoid hypothermia.

Mud treatment - contraindications

To each therapeutic procedure there are certain caveats. Treatment of contraindication with mud has the following: