"Feet" feet - causes and treatment

After a long day of work or wearing a new tight shoe, there is often a burning sensation of feet. But there are pathological factors and diseases, because of which the tingling and burning of the feet are felt - the causes and treatment of this phenomenon are closely interrelated, therefore it is first important to find out the exact diagnosis. For its establishment, it may be necessary to visit several specialists, a therapist, a neurologist, a cardiologist and an endocrinologist.

Why do the feet "burn"?

In addition to fatigue and narrow shoes, the burning of the soles sometimes causes severe stress, hypothermia or overheating, pregnancy, sudden changes in temperature, professional activity assuming constant standing.

However, there are serious diseases that provoke the symptom in question:

It is impossible to determine the exact diagnosis by yourself, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What are the reasons for burning your hands and feet?

If the described sensation occurs simultaneously on the skin of the feet and palms, the following pathologies may occur:

Why do the fingers and toes of the feet "burn" at night and what to do about it?

Possible reasons for the appearance of a symptom at night are:

To conduct proper therapy, you must always consult a doctor and take a number of prescribed tests.

Independently you can alleviate the condition through symptomatic treatment:

  1. Take contrasting foot baths.
  2. Make a foot massage .
  3. Lie down by placing your feet on a hill.
  4. Stretch the feet and fingers with simple exercises.
  5. Lubricate the feet with a moisturizing cream with a cooling effect, for example, with menthol.