Pleurisy of lungs with oncology

Oncology is characterized by the appearance of exudative (effusive) forms of pleurisy, in which fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity. Most often such complication as pleurisy develops with lung cancer, but it can also occur with oncology of the mammary glands or ovaries in women and, albeit much less often, with cancer of the stomach, pancreas, skin melanomas.

The causes of pleurisy in oncology

Such a pathology can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Complications after radiation therapy or surgical intervention to remove the tumor or the affected organ.
  2. Metastases of the primary tumor in the lymph nodes, due to which the outflow of fluid is disturbed and its accumulation takes place in the pleural cavity.
  3. Overlapping the lumen of the large bronchus, which causes the pressure in the pleural region to drop and accumulation of fluid there.
  4. Impaired permeability of the pleura.
  5. Disorders of biochemical processes in the blood and a low level of protein, which is observed in the late stages of any cancer.

Symptoms of pleurisy in oncology

The severity of symptoms depends largely on the cause. If the pleurisy is caused by metastasis, then the symptoms appear more slowly than if it is caused by the germination of the tumor directly into the pleura or progressive lung cancer .

At the initial stage of the disease, shortness of breath is observed even with a slight load and a frequent dry cough. As the disease develops and fluid accumulation increases, the following events occur:

Treatment of pleurisy in oncology

Although pleurisy of the lungs in oncology is a very serious, life-threatening disease, it is generally treatable, especially if its symptoms are noticed at an early stage and appropriate measures are taken to stop them.

Treatment is carried out not only directly pleurisy, but also the main oncologic focus, which it provoked. Of the therapeutic measures with this pleuritis are used:

  1. Fluid pumping from the pleural cavity. This allows for easy straightening and facilitates breathing.
  2. Chemotherapy. It is prescribed both general and local chemotherapy, in which drugs are carefully injected directly into the cavity of the pleura.
  3. Operative intervention. The surgical method is used to remove a tumor, adjacent tissue or affected lymph nodes.