White spots on the skin after sunburn

Do not go in the summer at sea - just a sin. At least, this is the opinion of most of the fair sex. To stay without an attractive chocolate tan no one wants. And because many ladies even resort to the services of tanning salons. Unfortunately, contact with ultraviolet rays does not work well for everyone. Some people after sunburn on the skin are formed white spots. They do not itch and do not cause discomfort, but neoplasms also look not so pleasant, than seriously spoil the mood.

What causes the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunburn?

For a uniform beautiful tan meets a special pigment - melanin. It is produced in cells called melanocytes. One of the main tasks of the pigment is to protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the sun. And as practice shows, people, in the organism of which melanin is produced in a small amount, from white spots suffer much more often.

The main reasons for which after sunburn on the skin of the back, hands, abdomen and face appear white spots, are considered to be:

  1. Most often, the formation of white spots on the body is the result of exposure to the body of fungi and infections. Many ladies do not even suspect that they are infected with pityriasis until they reach the sun. Pathogenic microorganisms can live happily on the skin and not manifest themselves in any way. The sun, increased sweating, humidity and weakening of immunity give them the opportunity to multiply. Initially, the spots simply differ from the rest of the skin in color. But over time, they begin to itch and flake.
  2. Some girls have white spots on their skin after sunburn - the result of genetic abnormalities. It is called the last hypomelanosis. The disease is impossible to cure. Unfortunately, the only way to protect yourself from the formation of white spots is to avoid getting sun rays on the skin. An alternative option - the use of sunscreens - is not suitable for everyone.
  3. Appear white patches can and with improper admission procedures in the solarium . Therefore, it is so important to regularly change the position of the body, being in the cockpit.
  4. It also happens that after sunburn on the skin first appear burns, and then there are white spots. This phenomenon is called vitiligo. When the disease cells can not produce melanin in sufficient quantities.
  5. In people with fair skin, the formation of white spots can be indicative of poikiloderma. This is a benign skin disease. Most often, the epidermis becomes lighter in the neck and chest. Sometimes, in addition to white spots on the skin, dark areas also appear.
  6. Some organisms with white spots react to taking certain medications. To avoid their appearance, it is advisable to carefully read the instructions for the use of any medication.

Treatment of sunspots on the skin after sunburn

To begin effective treatment, first of all it is necessary to determine the reasons for the formation of white spots. For example, fungal infections are treated with special ointments. The specialist will find the most suitable remedy after the examination.

It is very useful for the body to follow a diet. It is desirable to remove animal proteins from the diet. Instead, add vegetables, fruits and more natural food. Before going out into the sun, one should drink a lot of liquid: juices, tea, purified water.

To take out white spots after sunburn will help and folk treatment. The most popular means are: