Dogrose - contraindications

The concentration of nutrients in the dog rose several times higher than other medicinal plants. For the treatment of flowers, roots, fruits, which have found wide application in home medicine. But it is important to know what hips have contraindications, since its misuse can have a negative impact on health.

Rosehip - benefits and contraindications

The plant has a mass of useful qualities that allow it to be used to combat a variety of diseases:

  1. Thanks to the choleretic action, the dog rose found application in the fight against liver and gallbladder problems.
  2. The presence of vitamin C makes medicines from this plant an excellent remedy against colds.
  3. The use of wild rose broth in the absence of contraindications helps to cope with anemia, as the bush stimulates the production of blood cells.
  4. Oil of hips seeds is advised for the treatment of pressure sores, burns, trophic ulcers. It also cope with skin problems. It is used to moisturize the skin and prevent wrinkles.

But, despite of the listed useful qualities, possesses a dogrose contra-indications to application:

  1. Because of the presence of excessive amounts of ascorbic acid, you should not get carried away with rose hip medicines to people who have gastritis with excessive acidity of the stomach and ulcer.
  2. Since the plant has the property of increasing blood clotting, it is forbidden to use it for thrombophlebitis and heart failure.
  3. Long-term use of drugs with rosehip reduces the function of the insular apparatus.
  4. Syrup of dog rose is contraindicated in its pure form. Since it leads to bloating, it should only be drunk with celery, dill or parsley.

It is necessary to know that the briar infusion on alcohol raises the pressure, and the infusion on the water contributes to its lowering.

Broth of dogrose - prescription and contraindications

For the treatment of various diseases, decoction is used from various parts of the plant. Prepare the broth by steaming a tablespoon of fruit, roots or flowers with boiling water (glass), leaving for two hours in a thermos bottle. The application of the tool is quite broad:

  1. Decoction of leaves used to rinse hair.
  2. Petals are brewed to fight against eczema .
  3. Decoction of fruits is consumed internally with skin inflammations.
  4. A decoction of dried flowers helps to cope with inflammation of the eyes.
  5. When excessive sweating use a decoction of flowers, fruits and leaves.
  6. The roots make baths with weakness in the legs and paralysis.
  7. Internal use of decoction from the roots is recommended for kidney stones and biliary tract.

But broths from the roots of dog rose, its leaves and fruits have a number of contraindications:

  1. Uncontrolled use can affect the functions of the liver and even give an impetus to the development of jaundice.
  2. Contraindicated decoction of people with hypervitaminosis ascorbic acid.
  3. After ingestion, it is important to rinse your mouth, as plant acids can destroy tooth enamel.

Rosehip in pregnancy - contraindications

Means on the basis of this plant help prevent the onset of colds, viral diseases, fruits relieve nausea. Also broths of dogrose help to overcome puffiness and bloating.

But you need to use the dogrose with the mind. Here are a few good reasons:

  1. A high concentration of active substances in infusions can cause the development of allergies.
  2. The presence of an increased amount of vitamin C can lead to a disorder of the stomach and adversely affect the formation of the connective tissue of the fetus.