Treatment of the gallbladder with folk remedies

At the outset, let's pay attention to the fact that folk treatment of the gallbladder can be used until the disease has passed into a more neglected form, which can only be cured by surgical intervention.

Treating gallstones with folk remedies

A gallbladder can simply suffer from a lack of silicon. You need to know that this element is very useful for our body. Stones in the gallbladder are formed precisely because of its lack. This phenomenon causes inflammation of the gallbladder walls.

When gallstones occur, folk treatment with silicon replacement is very helpful. You can use strawberries. Brew tea from her shoots. This will help clear the gallbladder.

How to get rid of polyps in the gallbladder?

Polyps in the gallbladder - a benign tumor that occurs with a chronic inflammatory process and is formed on the mucous membranes with an increased content of cholesterol in the body.

Folk treatment of polyps of the gallbladder is possible at the stage of the origin of the disease. You can make a tincture of herb wormwood, use tansy flowers or manchurian nuts and elecampane, as well as other herbs.

The main methods of treatment of the gallbladder folk medicine

St. John's Wort

This plant well expels bile. Drink herb St. John's wort hole, pre-brewing it and bay 1 tbsp. boiling water, boiling on fine heat 45 min. and straining. Take the broth before eating.


From juice of a beet it is possible to make an excellent cholagogue agent. Take the beetroot juice (40 ml) with the cucumber (80 ml) and carrots. Drink the drug you need 1-2 tsp, twice a day, gradually increasing the dose.

Black radish

Squeezing juice from a black radish, you need to take it half a cup on an empty stomach. The course of treatment for complete purification, usually, is up to 6 weeks.

Seeds of thistle

Folk recipes for the treatment of the gallbladder also include recipes, where the main active ingredient is the seeds of milk thistle. They are effective in all types of gallbladder diseases and treat the entire digestive system. Take 2 tbsp. l. seeds in a powdered form, diluted in 500 ml of water.

But the most important thing in treating the gallbladder with folk remedies is:

  1. Observe the correct mode.
  2. Sleep on a flat and hard surface.
  3. Often go to the fresh air.
  4. Eliminate nervous and emotional fatigue.
  5. Be sure to play sports to the best of your ability.
  6. There are fruits and vegetables, and meat products must be cooked, eliminating smoked meat.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of the gall bladder will be effective only if all these measures are observed.