The herb has fallen medicinal properties and contraindications

It was not so long ago to study the medicinal properties and contra-indications of the herb sex. But immediately after she got on the shelves of pharmacies, she began to buy up quite actively. Most likely, the secret of success is in effective and very mild action.

The healing properties of the herb

In the Erwe woolly - as science calls a half-palu - contains a large number of useful substances:

The main healing property of the half-pala, which was discovered by medicine - a diuretic effect. Medicines based on this herb and the truth produce a very powerful diuretic effect.

In addition, the woolen erva renders such actions:

Grass is often used to lower the content of ammonia in the blood. And thanks to its therapeutic properties, half-fallen can:

I must admit, all this is far from a complete description of the possibilities of a half-pala plant. But it is enough to understand how much grass is useful.

Prohibitions and contraindications to the use of medicinal properties of the half-pala

No, probably, such a remedy, which would have absolutely no contraindications. Not all fit and half-fallen. Namely:

  1. From the reception of grass is better to refuse to people with individual intolerance of its components.
  2. The plant can harm with hypoparathyroidism.
  3. Another contraindication is renal osteodystrophy.
  4. A diagnosis and a rickets is also considered a warning and contraindication to the use of useful properties of a half-pala.
  5. Do not give broths and infusions on the grass to children under twelve.