The diseases of the walnut and the fight against them

Walnut is pretty resistant to diseases, and yet sometimes they can overcome it. There are several reasons for this - incorrect care, poor soil, close groundwater occurrence, insufficient amount of sun. In this article we will tell you about the most common diseases of walnut and their treatment.

Major diseases of the walnut

The three main enemies, often attacking the walnut - a brown spot, root cancer and bacterial burn.

Brown spotting is a disease of leaves and fruits of walnut, when they appear round brown spots. Affected leaves fall early. And the disease develops in the period of prolonged rains, that is, with an excess of moisture in the soil.

It is dangerous when this disease manifests itself in the period of flowering of the tree, because in this case it destroys up to 90% of the flowers, that is, in fact, deprives you of the harvest. Even if the flowers have already turned into fruits, the striking of their brown spots leads to shrinkage, cracking, rotting and shedding.

The method of struggle is quite simple - preventive spraying of the Bordeaux mixture even before the appearance of kidneys on the tree and the burning of fallen leaves.

Another disease of the walnut, which requires immediate fight against it - is cancer of the roots. As the name implies, it affects the roots of the tree. It penetrates through cracks and wounds, and its manifestations look like protuberant growths on the roots. When the disease reaches a certain level, the tree stops its growth and fruiting.

Therefore, it is extremely important to remove these growths in time and to treat the roots with a 1% solution of caustic soda, followed by washing them with running water.

And a particularly dangerous disease of the walnut tree is a bacterial burn. It affects leaves, flowers, shoots, fruits. On the leaves, you can see watery spots, eventually acquiring a black color. At the same time, the leaves do not fall off for a long time. The stems are covered with sores, the shoots wither, the buds die on them. The fruits are also covered with black spots, while the core shrinks and turns black.

The carriers of the disease are pollen and insects. Especially the disease spreads during the rainy season. To combat the disease you need to apply drugs with copper. When the fruits are badly affected, they are discarded and destroyed.