When does the implantation of the embryo occur after ovulation?

Women who plan pregnancy or undergo IVF procedures are often interested in the question of what day after ovulation the embryo is implanted into the uterine wall. After all, it is from this moment that the gestation process begins . Let's look at this process in more detail and tell about its features.

First of all, it should be noted that it is impossible to name the time and say on what day after ovulation an implantation is taking place. That's why when answering this kind of question, doctors call a gap of 8-14 days, because the release of the egg from the follicle can occur in different cycles at different times, which is due to the effect on external factors ovulation.

It is conventional to allocate late and early implantation. The first type of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is said in the event that this process occurs later than 10 days after ovulation.

With early implantation of the embryo implanted in the uterine wall, the ultrasound monitor can be observed already literally 6-7 days after the end of the ovulation process.

How is the implantation process going on?

Having dealt with the fact, after how many days after ovulation in the woman's body implantation of the formed embryo occurs , we will tell about some features of the attachment process itself.

At the time of implantation, the embryo has 2 germ layers, i.e. this process takes place at the blastocyst stage. From the inner leaf begins the development of the organism of the future fetus, and from the outer one - the so-called trophoblast is formed. It is from this that the placenta is subsequently formed.

For stronger fixation, the villi present in the trophoblast grow into the uterine wall, penetrating into its deep layers. Otherwise, the probability of rejection is high. As a result, pregnancy does not occur, and miscarriage occurs on a very short period. Also it is necessary to say that for a normal implantation a sufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood is necessary.

The average implantation time is about 40 hours. During this time, the embryo has time to firmly fix its nails in the deep layers of the uterine wall. From this moment begins the pregnancy, which can be diagnosed during the ultrasound investigation.