Glacier Vatnayöküldl

The Vatnajekudl Glacier is one of the most remarkable sights in Iceland . It is located on the territory of the National Park, which has the same name, which occupies 13% of the total area of ​​the country.

Glacier Watnayekudl - description and history

Vatnayekudl is the largest glacier in Europe and visually demonstrates all the greatness and power of nature. It should be noted that if compared with the world's glaciers, then it is only Antarctic and Greenlandic. Its total area is 8.1 km², which covers 8% of the entire territory of the state. The thickness of the ice has an average value of 400 m, and in some places reaches up to 1100 m. The height of the ice sheet is 1400-1800 m above sea level.

In translation and Icelandic, the name of the glacier means "giving water". It was so named because it serves as a source of water for many rivers and lakes in Iceland. An example is the river of the famous Yokulsau-au-Witch River, which gives life to the Dettifoss waterfall , which is recognized as the most powerful in Europe.

The glacier is an amazing sight, it looks like an endless snow-covered field. From its top you can observe an amazing sight that opens onto the ocean and mountains. All this is clearly illustrated by the photo of the glacier Vatnayekudl.

The first ascent to the top of the glacier took place in 1875. In this journey, the Englishman and several Icelanders took part.

The glacier was the subject of the most thorough research of scientists. It began to be studied since 1934, since an eruption occurred in its area. The research is carried out by the Glaciological Society, which was founded in 1950. The last extensive volcanic eruptions occurred in 1996 and 1998.

The glacier is very popular with filmmakers. His impressive natural wealth is successfully used for filming. So, for example, on the territory of the glacier several moments of their film about Lara Croft and James Bond were shot.

In the immediate vicinity of the Vatnayekudl glacier, there are other well-known natural attractions: the Skaftafell National Park , the Svartifoss Falls , and the Yokulsaurloon - an ice lagoon with icebergs.

Ice caves of the glacier Vatnayekudl

The caves of the glacier Vatnajekudl, Iceland , are a real miracle of nature. They are located in the southern part of the glacier and were created under the influence of natural phenomena for hundreds of years. The landscapes that tourists watch when they visit, are truly unique. Having visited snow-covered gorges, you can feel yourself as a fairy-tale character.

The ice caves of the Vatnajekudl glacier in Iceland are formed as a result of the influence of hot springs located in the area of ​​the Kverkfjöld mountain ridge. Under the influence of hot water and steam, there are real labyrinths of ice caves, which turn out to be cut from the ice column.

In addition, several volcanoes are located under thick layers of ice. They make themselves felt from time to time, spilling out hot lava from their vents. As a result, there is a melting of significant areas of the glacier. This also leads to the formation of the caves of the glacier Vatnayekudl. Also, after the melting of ice, new fields arise, on which cattle graze.

Ice is very durable and has a stunning blue color. Sedimentary rocks bring a variety of darker shades into the color range.

2004 was marked by such a grandiose event as the vast eruption of one of the volcanoes under the ice - Grimsvotna.

Visiting the glacier Vatnayekudl and its ice caves, you can see incredible landscapes, from which simply breathtaking.

How to get to the Vatnayekudl glacier?

The nearest airport to the glacier is in the capital city of Reykjavik . Therefore, you have to take the road by bus from Reykjavik to the town of Höbn , located in the immediate vicinity of the glacier Vatnayekudl. In summer (from May 15 to September 15) the bus runs 6 days a week, in the autumn spring time - 3 times a week, and in the winter - 1 time a week. In Höbn, you can rent a car and get to the glacier along the Icelandic ring road.