Burp with rotten eggs is the most common cause and best treatment

Such an uncomfortable symptom, as the eructation of rotten eggs, is the release into the mouth of the digestive tract of gases containing hydrogen sulphide, which is the source of an unpleasant odor. With what this phenomenon is connected, and how to get rid of it, we will consider further.

Eating belly eggs - a symptom of what disease?

Often, burping of rotten egg eggs is associated with abnormal digestion processes and occurs after eating food. In some cases, the symptom appears on an empty stomach, accompanied by other alarming manifestations. Single situations when a person is tormented by belching hydrogen sulphide, can not be considered a serious threat to health if they are associated with a dense meal, snack on the go, eating dishes that do not meet the standards of healthy eating. Concerns should be raised about the symptom if it is repeated regularly.

After the ingestion of food, different mechanisms are included in the body for its processing and assimilation. They begin in the mouth, when saliva is released and the production of gastric juice is stimulated. Under the action of peristaltic muscles of the esophagus, a food lump enters the stomach, where it begins splitting and disinfection. Then eaten goes into the duodenum, where bile comes for complete processing.

If a failure occurs in any part of the food processing process, the food lump is delayed in the stomach, and fermentation may occur with the formation of hydrogen sulphide, which causes the eructation of rotten eggs. The causes are often the following pathologies:

Eating belly eggs, bloating

Trying to understand why the eructation of rotten eggs is accompanied by bloating, it is necessary to consider such a provocative factor as reduced gastric acidity. Under such conditions, penetrating food undergoes insufficient disinfection, so the risk of infectious lesions of the gastric mucosa and intestines, which provoke the putrefactive decomposition of food, increases. In addition, in addition to sensations of bloating and burping of rotten eggs, abdominal pain along the bowel, nausea, vomiting may be present.

Eating belly eggs and gases

In many cases, the eructation of hydrogen sulfide and flatulence is a consequence of poor digestion of food, which is long retained in the digestive tract. Often this is due to the lack of enzymes produced by the pancreas, which are necessary for a full-fledged treatment of foods eaten. In addition, it can feel nausea, lack of appetite, aversion to fatty dishes.

The belly and eructation of rotten eggs hurt

If the erosion of hydrogen sulphide causes not associated with serious pathologies, but with flaws in the diet, then the discomfort symptom often disappears by itself after half an hour-hour. When the manifestation is disturbed for a long period of time, especially accompanied by pain, it is necessary to identify a provoking disease of the digestive system. Important in diagnosis is the character and localization of pain.

Eating belly eggs and diarrhea

A lot of diseases of the digestive system reflect a belch of rotten eggs, a symptom that is observed in many patients in combination with a frequent liquid stool. This is Crohn's disease, and gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, dyskinesia of the biliary tract, as well as other pathologies. To suspect the presence of intestinal infection follows when attached to the above manifestations of increased body temperature.

Eating belly eggs - how quickly to get rid of?

To understand how to get rid of burping of rotten eggs, you first need to find out the cause of the origin of the symptom. To do this, you need to immediately analyze whether there have been any errors in the diet over the past day, whether there is any doubt about the quality of the food consumed, whether there has been such a manifestation before. If tortured with belching eggs, what to do at home, you should only think about in the case of a single episode associated with malnutrition.

The first thing to do is to maintain a sparing diet with the use of easily assimilated food, which helps to normalize the production of gastric juice. The diet should consist of such products: cottage cheese, biokefir, ryazhenka, sour cream low-fat, vegetable soups, cereals, stewed vegetables. Fried, fatty dishes, smoked meats, pickles, sweets, spicy dishes, eggs, legumes, whole milk, red meat, mushrooms are excluded.

To prevent the emergence of belching with a hydrogen sulphate smell associated with the transfer of gastric contents into the esophagus, you can not immediately take a lying position after a meal or expose the body to intense physical exertion. If a provoking disease is revealed, the doctor will be able to recommend the means that will help to stop an unpleasant manifestation at his next occurrence, but the main direction of treatment is connected with the elimination of the cause.

Eating belly eggs - drugs

When there is a belching of rotten eggs, what to drink, what medicinal product to take, the doctor should determine after conducting the diagnosis and identifying a provoking factor. Eating belly eggs and diarrhea treatment is often based on the course of antibiotics for the elimination of infectious processes. Often antibacterial preparations of a wide spectrum of action are appointed: Osmapox, Ciprofloxacin , Rifaximin and others. In other cases, the following can be prescribed:

Eating belly eggs - folk remedies

When there is an eructation of hydrogen sulfide what to do, folk medicine can be suggested, the recipes of which can be applied in addition to the basic therapy. Benefits will be infusions from plants such as chamomile, mint, fennel, basil. Here is the recipe for the preparation of one of the simplest and most accessible means - chamomile infusion, which will help to relieve spasms, eliminate gas formation.

Prescription means


Preparation and use