Non-developing pregnancy

The diagnosis of "undeveloped pregnancy" is perhaps one of the most terrible that can only be heard in the obstetrician's office. A woman who has just begun to experience the pleasures of a future motherhood experiences incomparable pain and complete spiritual devastation. No matter how circumstances develop, it is precisely this state of affairs that becomes the pretext for taking a more responsible approach to the planning of the subsequent conception.

Causes of undeveloped pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy presupposes an intrauterine fetal death at any gestation period. However, as a rule, most often an undeveloped pregnancy is established in the early term, already in the first trimester. The reasons for such a phenomenon can be a great many, for example:

The most precise factor that influenced the death of the fetus can be determined only by conducting a study of the tissues of the fetus extracted from the uterus.

Signs of undeveloped pregnancy

A young mother may be in ignorance of the fact that her child has already stopped her intrauterine existence, until the next visit to the doctor comes. If there was a strong toxicosis, then it is worth paying attention to its sudden cessation. Also, the sensation of swelling of the breast disappears and appetite appears. The main symptoms of the undeveloped pregnancy that occurred at later dates are:

In the process of diagnosis, the obstetrician measures the uterus and checks how much the data corresponds to the available time. A complete blood test is also done, which will help establish the hormone hCG , the value of which is constantly growing during normal pregnancy. With undeveloped pregnancy hCG remains unchanged or falls. The final confirmation will be the results of ultrasound examination, which will show the presence of life in the womb.

What to do in case of undeveloped pregnancy?

After confirming the diagnosis, the woman undergoes urgent hospitalization. In order to prevent contamination by the products of the decay of dead fetal tissues, an emergency scraping is performed in the case of an undeveloped pregnancy. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia and requires a certain rehabilitation.

Consequences of undeveloped pregnancy

It is not necessary to think that subsequent fertilization and normal gestation are impossible. As a rule, almost all women who survive curettage, are able to conceive and give birth to a baby. However, there is a percentage of patients whose fetal fading turns into a common phenomenon, requiring careful examination of both the woman and her sexual partner and a more responsible approach to planning the birth of a child.

Pregnancy after undeveloped pregnancy

Follow-up fertilization should not be prescribed earlier than 6 months after unsuccessful gestation. It is such a length of time that the body needs to fully recover and prepare for a new test. A woman needs to undergo a full range of examinations and, if necessary, treatment. It is worth noting that in each individual case, treatment of an undeveloped pregnancy occurs in different ways, and depends on its causes and the state of the patient's body.