Ginger - contraindications

Before using such a spice as ginger, you need to know not only the positive properties, but also its contraindications. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor before you start using this spice. Let's understand what contraindications ginger has.

Who should not?

All spices have a strong influence not the body and sometimes negative. In order not to harm your body, you need to know all the detailed information on contraindications during weight loss with the help of ginger. Be sure to consider whether it is possible to use this spice together with medications.

  1. The first thing that directly affects ginger - mucous. If you have any diseases and problems with the mucosa of the stomach or the intestines, then the spice they eat will strengthen them. The presence of diseases such as an ulcer or gastritis are taboo to ginger.
  2. The diet on ginger is contraindicated in people who have tumors in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, since it will promote its growth.
  3. It is not recommended to eat ginger for people with liver disease, for example, with hepatitis C or cirrhosis . And all, because this spice activates the secret activity of cells, which is bad in this situation.
  4. If you have stones in the biliary tract, then give up ginger, as it promotes the movement of the stone over them, which can lead to serious problems and even to surgery.
  5. Contraindications when taking ginger is hemorrhoids, especially if it is with bleeding. This spice enhances bleeding, so if you often have them, then it's best to refuse ginger.
  6. You should not eat ginger if you have heart problems and blood vessels. These diseases include: high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, heart ischemia and the like.
  7. Although ginger and has healing properties during pregnancy, but about contraindications do not forget. In the second half of the term, you better give up this spice, so as not to harm yourself and your child.
  8. If you have a disease that occurs with an increase in body temperature, then taking a ginger drink will only increase it more.
  9. Another taboo for ginger is skin diseases, since essential oils that are contained in the root will only aggravate your condition.
  10. People who have individual intolerance to ginger, as well as allergies , it is best to stop taking ginger root.

Ginger and medicines

Now let's figure out what contraindications ginger has when using any medications. Poorly interacts this spice with drugs that lower blood pressure and affect the heart. Ginger influences many preparations as a stimulant, which can cause an overdose in your body. It is not recommended to combine ginger and preparations that are prescribed for diabetes mellitus. If you use drugs that reduce clotting blood, then ginger is contraindicated.

Ginger and children

This spice is allowed for children who are older than 2 years. But, of course, it is taken into account that the amount of ginger should be less than for an adult.

In the US, it has been scientifically proven that a safe dose of this spice is 2 g of root per 1 kg of body weight. Although ginger has a huge amount of medicinal properties, you should not forget about contraindications. Only in this way you will achieve maximum effect in the treatment of diseases and in the process of losing weight. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor, and he will give you excellent recommendations.