On the elbows appeared and itches red spots

The skin on the elbows is very thin, and therefore the sometimes appearing reddish spots give a lot of discomfort. As a rule, itching rashes very much, and when you begin to scratch them, the wound immediately appears on the epidermis. In addition, the spots look too unpresentable, especially when they begin to peel off.

Why on the elbows can appear and itch red spots?

The causes of rashes can be many, and some of them are really dangerous:

  1. A fairly common cause is mechanical damage . To suffer from them basically it is necessary to employees of offices at which hands practically all time rubs against a rigid surface of a table. If the problem really is this, in addition to redness, small swellings appear on the skin.
  2. Strongly itching red spots on the elbows can be a sign of atopic dermatitis . There is a disease on the background of allergies .
  3. With hives, the rash is very small, but it itches unbearably.
  4. When depriving reddenings are located not only on the elbows, but also throughout the body.
  5. Sometimes red spots that are very itchy, on the knees and elbows become a consequence of hypothyroidism . The cause of the disease - a violation in the thyroid gland. In addition to the rash, with an ailment, hair begins to fall out , and psychoemotional disorders are observed.
  6. Pigmentation of the skin is disturbed and with beriberi . That is why many people get itchy and flaky elbows begin in the spring and autumn.
  7. From time to time, red and itchy convex spots on the elbows appear in people with diabetes . In addition to the hands, the disease also affects the area of ​​the abdomen and groin.
  8. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to dysbiosis, and this, in turn, provokes dermatological problems.
  9. Common causes include psoriasis . Red spots can be covered with cracks.