Playground with own hands

In order for the garden, cottage, or even the courtyard of a high-rise building to become a favorite place for children's games, it is enough for adults to make only a little effort. So many parents are thinking how to build their own children's playground with their own hands.

We compose the project

The construction of children's playgrounds with their own hands begins with a plan, an idea, the embodiment of which as a result will lead to the appearance of a place for children's fun and games. First, you need to decide which elements will be present on the site. So, the most common are:

All listed elements can be used, either separately or in a complex.

We make a playground with our own hands


The easiest and simple element of the children's playground, when made by themselves, is the sandbox. To make it enough to cut boards of a certain length, which along the perimeter must be strengthened with pegs. You can also use logs instead of logs that dig in a shallow depth into the ground, and thus become a fence for the sandbox.

Game house

In order to make a house for a playground with your own hands, you will need more material, time and effort. However, the result justifies itself, because the joy of children from such a construction will not be the limit.

First you need to choose a place to install the house. Then it will be determined with the material that will be used in its construction. To reduce the cost, it is best to use non-standard boards, which can be purchased for a penny.

After the house is built, you can start decorating it. In this case, you can use a variety of finishing materials. However, it must be remembered that all of them should be environmentally friendly, so as not to adversely affect the susceptible children's organism.

How to make a children's swing?

Perhaps the simplest element, when building a playground with your own hands, is a swing. To make them, it is enough to get a strong, suitable rope, which then must be fixed on a branch of a large tree - and the swing is ready. However, this design is unreliable, therefore it is best to use special wooden, better metal, spacers. Their bases must be deeply buried in the ground and, if possible, concreted. The swing made by this method will serve not one decade, and probably, will still roll your grandsons.

How to decorate a playground?

After all the elements are made and installed in their places, it is worthwhile to think about how best to arrange a playground for oneself.

It all depends on the imagination and taste. Most often used all kinds of crafts made of wood, which are later decorated with various plantations. For this purpose, flowering plants are used, which are planted along the perimeter of the site. It is very important before decorating the playground with your own hands, learn about the wishes of the child. After all, all this is done exclusively for him. Better, of course, when he himself will take a direct part in the design, thereby helping the parents. In this case, you can be completely sure that the result will be to the taste of the child, and he will spend all his free time on the site.

Thus, to make a playground with their own hands will not be very difficult. A little time, ideas and little effort - and the playground is ready. Moreover, to help yourself you can involve a child who will happily carry out all the assignments of adults.