How to kill yourself laziness?

Outside the window is a blossoming spring, the sun begins to please its own, really hot, first rays, but despite the time of the year, each of us has certain responsibilities, plans that sooner or later, but need to be fulfilled. What to do if you can not return to an active way of life and how to kill laziness in yourself?

Effective ways to get rid of laziness

If we talk about the nature of such a vice as laziness, then it is an insufficient supply of either intellectual or physical energy. In other words, when you want to finally get down to doing something, but suddenly you are seized with apathy, unwillingness to take it, you know, your psychic energy is blocked. The reasons for the appearance of this lock may be different, but the ways to get rid of it for all are the same:

  1. The correct mode of the day. If you want to wake up with a good mood, with a smile on your face and a sense of vivacity, sleep at least 8 hours a day. In addition, waking up, do not rush to jump out of the warm bed. It is recommended a couple of minutes just to lie in it, stretch, allow yourself to dream. Imagine that in today's day you will only meet with positive people. Take a contrast shower, because this is an excellent way to charge the body with new vitality and energy. After the morning procedures, to stay cheerful all day, devote about 5 minutes to elementary physical exercises. Do not forget about breakfast, which is the guarantee of the right start of the day. It's better that your morning menu be light (porridge, cottage cheese, juices, cereals, etc.).
  2. Planning. How not to be lazy and keep up? Just break all your actions into several stages. Spread the plans on the shelves. No matter how much you want, you need to sit down to compose your own schedule for the next period. If planning was not originally your habit and it's hard for you to start such a thing, and besides, laziness, start with small steps. Describe, first of all, your plans for the first or second half of the day. With each day or week, increase your list and after 21 days (just as much is necessary to form a habit to the human body), planning will be an integral part of your life.
  3. No distractions. Sometimes, without noticing it, a person is distracted by various petty activities: cooking a hot drink for himself, updating the account on social networks, viewing mail, etc. As a result, it gives rise to the feeling as if the priceless time flies by instantly, and the thought that it is necessary to stop being lazy, to no good results. The conclusion is one: disaccustom yourself from wasting your own energy on such unnecessary occupations. Moreover, scientists have proved that, while distracting immediately for several sessions, the brain is difficult to concentrate on one thing, and this leads to rapid fatigue.
  4. Break. Do not forget about the breaks, however, they should be frequent and not long. So, after 30 minutes laborious work, give yourself a 5-10 minute rest.
  5. Pleasure yourself. Accustom to life without laziness. Set yourself conditions for which you will provide yourself with a favorite of some nice gift (for example, an update of the wardrobe).
  6. Get rid of the source. As soon as you feel drowsy, weak or depressed, knowing that there are no symptoms of the disease, do not let yourself be lazy, but start playing sports. After all, not only will physical exercises reduce the negative impact of stress on the body, drive out laziness, so also develop hormones that improve mood .