Varieties of cucumber with a bundle of ovaries

Despite the fact that the calendar is still winter, many gardeners are already thinking about what cucumbers they will grow this summer. Today, many new varieties have appeared, among which there are new-fangled varieties of cucumber with a bundle of ovaries. Do you want to know what it is?

Beet cucumbers are new hybrids that can give about 20 kg per bush from one bush. Among them there are hybrids that are pollinated by bees, and self-pollinating plants. The amount of harvest depends on the degree of branching of the plant. Hybrids of strongly wrinkled fruiting period is the longest. But the weakly branched plants are easy to care for, since the lateral shoots of such cucumbers do not need to pinch. There are among cucumbers with a bundle of ovaries plants that are not capable of overgrowing.

The most productive varieties of cucumbers

To obtain a good harvest of bunches of cucumber, you must select the appropriate seeds. Here are some of these varieties:

To obtain an excellent harvest of bunches of cucumbers, you must follow certain rules. Seedlings of cucumbers must be grown in a so-called warm patch , which consists of fresh organic matter. Seeds are sown in it a month earlier than in the usual garden. Accordingly, you will receive an earlier harvest of cucumbers. Weekly it is necessary to pour a layer of mulch on the bed. Seedlings of cucumbers should be fed with trace elements, watered with herbs and sprinkled with special cocktails to increase yield.

Collect the fruits in time, because the younger and smaller the cucumbers, the more their number will grow on this plant.