Glynnaya invasion - symptoms in adults

Glistular invasion is the penetration of helminths into the human body, and, as a consequence, a violation of the state of health. Eggs and larvae of parasites enter the human esophagus through food, water, contaminated hands, sometimes when bitten by infected insects or when parasites penetrate through damaged skin. Further, worms can spread to virtually all organs and systems. Mainly parasites settle in the liver and intestines, but the penetration of helminths into the heart, lungs, brain, muscles, lymphatic vessels, etc., is not excluded.

Symptoms of helminthic invasion in adults

Symptoms of helminthiases depend on the variety of worms, the place of their localization in the body and the general state of health. And parasitologists note that if there is a single individual in the intestine (and so happens with infection with ascaris, a wide ribbon), the disease can continue to be asymptomatic until the worm reaches a significant size.

The first signs of parasitic invasion are usually manifested, a few weeks after infection, but with ascarid infection, the symptoms can be felt in a few days, while with filariasis, the incubation period is from six months to two years. Specific symptoms of infection with worms do not exist, suspicion of helminthic invasion is caused by the following manifestations:

In helminthic invasion with pinworms, in addition to the main symptoms of any helminthiasis, there is a characteristic sign - itching in the anus, which is especially disturbing at night.

Attention! Toxins produced by parasites have a destructive effect on the body: damage the blood vessels, lead to the formation of blood clots. Consequences of helminthic invasion can be:

Due to rupture of cysts that form to protect against parasites, anaphylactic shock is possible. A long-term toxic process in the tissues of the body can cause the development of cancer.

Diagnosis of helminthic invasions

Symptoms of helminthic invasion are similar to those of other diseases, in this connection it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, including such methods:

  1. A coprological examination consisting in the study of scraping from the anal zone (or fresh feces particles) using a microscope.
  2. Histological examination of feces. With the help of this method, helminthic infection is revealed by fragments of parasites, eggs, worm and cuticles of larvae.
  3. Serological analysis based on the detection of antibodies to helminth antigens in the patient's blood.

The presence of worms can be identified by taking tests for dysbiosis and a general blood test. When examining blood for invasive infection can signal:

In some cases, the doctor prescribes the study using: