Allergy to mosquito bites

The usual mosquito bite can cause quite an unusual reaction. Those whose immune system does not adequately respond to the saliva of insects have experienced all the "joys" of allergic manifestations. How does an allergy to mosquito bites occur, to whom does it threaten, and are there ways to get rid of a dangerous disease? This is in our material.

Symptoms of an allergy to mosquito bites

Even the most healthy person can not help but notice a mosquito bite . Itching, redness and small swelling are quite normal reaction of the body to the saliva of Dipterous insects. The worst consequences are infection of the wound with combing. Allergies are much more complicated. The minimal manifestation of an immune response to mosquito bite is a sufficiently strong reddening and swelling around a wound of considerable size. Further, depending on the degree of allergic reaction, the following symptoms occur:

The development of the disease occurs the faster and more intensively, the more often the allergen enters the blood. A significant role is played by the number of bites. The attack of ten insects can cause an allergy sufferer even anaphylactic shock. Immediately call an ambulance if a mosquito bite provoked:

Allergy to mosquitoes in a child is one of the most common phenomena. Children, whose immunity has not yet fully formed, and the body sometimes does not have enough opportunity to protect itself from the most innocuous external factors, need special attention. It is important to remember that the first manifestations of an allergy is a signal to take serious measures for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

How to treat allergy to mosquitoes?

How to act to correctly provide the necessary help with the most minor allergic reactions and prevent the development of the disease in the future? The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Elimination of allergen intake . Treatment of allergies of any type is, first of all, the elimination or exclusion of the intake of the allergen into the patient's body. In the case of mosquito bites, it is important not to allow new skin lesions. Fortunately, modern manufacturers of insect control products offer a wide range of repellents - sprays, creams and liquids with minimal impact on any type of skin. Using such means before leaving for mosquito breeding sites, you can protect yourself from bites. In the premises it is worth using fumigators. The negative influence of the evaporated substances is justified by the more dangerous allergic reaction to the bite.
  2. Local treatment . Skin allergy after a mosquito bite requires immediate action. Cold compress, and then processing the wound with a solution of ammonia or soda (1 teaspoon of soda, dissolved in a glass of water) neutralizes the effects of substances that are contained in the saliva of the insect. Thus, you can reduce swelling and for a while to calm the itch. Also remove the local symptoms helps the mashed plantain leaf, a piece of banana, a crushed green onion. Very effective with the manifestations of skin allergies after a mosquito bite are medications - Fenistil-gel and Psychalamzam. Strong allergic skin manifestations are treated with hormonal ointments.
  3. Strengthening of immunity . The allergy to mosquito bites, the treatment of which is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, is eliminated not only by local drugs. As a rule, allergy sufferers after the development of the immune response are prescribed a course of taking antihistamines of the third generation. Also important is the increase in the body's defenses. Measures to strengthen immunity - one of the most active steps on the way to getting rid of allergies.