Poor eyesight

Recently, more and more people complain of poor eyesight, among which a considerable part are young patients. This is not surprising, because in modern life, the eyes are subjected to enormous loads. Therefore it is very important to have regular examinations with an ophthalmologist - at least once a year, in time to recognize the pathology.

Types of poor vision

Visual disorders can be divided into two groups:

  1. Organic - pathology, in which there are structural changes in the organs of vision (cataracts, atrophic lesions of the optic nerve of vision, tumor lesions, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.).
  2. Functional - are caused by changing the stroke of light rays, which, penetrating into the eyes, form an image on the retina (hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism , strabismus, etc.).

Causes of poor vision

The main factors leading to visual impairment are:

Symptoms of poor vision

Disturbing symptoms, which should serve as a reason for going to the doctor and conducting a detailed examination, are:

How do people with poor eyesight see it?

The fact that the image of the surrounding world appears before the eyes of people with poor eyesight, depends on the type of pathology and degree of damage they have. For example, with myopia, distant objects are seen as vague, and objects that are near are perceived clearly. And people with astigmatism see objects at different distances blurred, stretched in a horizontal or vertical plane. With some pathologies, there is a worsening of the side vision, visual illusions.