Lasagna from lavash - the most delicious and simple recipes of the famous Italian dish

Lasagna from lavash is an opportunity to cope with the popular Italian puff dish in just half an hour. Many housewives appreciated the speed of its preparation and gladly replace classic bechamel with cream and yogurt, preferring traditional meat stuffing with filling from vegetables, chicken, cottage cheese and mushrooms.

How to cook lasagna lasagna?

Lazy lasagna from lavash is prepared simply: you need to cut the pita bread in accordance with the size of the baking dish, grease them with sauce of cream and sour cream or whipped egg with yogurt and shift each layer with stuffing. It can be minced meat, vegetables or cottage cheese. The collected lasagna is sprinkled with cheese and baked in the oven for 15 minutes.

  1. In order for lasagna from lavash to quickly turn out juicy and soft, it is necessary to impregnate the pita bread with any sauce: tomato, bechamel or other cream sauce.
  2. That the product is not burned, it is covered with a sheet of foil. As a form for baking, it is best to use a ceramic container or a dish made of heat-resistant glass.

Lasagna from pita bread with minced meat - recipe

Lasagna from pita bread with minced meat is one of the popular variants of the famous dish. It's not strange: the product corresponds to the classic recipe and contains the necessary ingredients - tomato sauce and cream sauce bechamel, minced meat, cheese and spices. All the ingredients perfectly permeate the thin sheets of Armenian lavash, making them similar to the traditional test.



  1. Mince the meat forcemeat.
  2. Mix the tomato paste with water.
  3. Warm up the flour, add butter, milk.
  4. Lubricate the pita bread with tomato sauce, lay the mince, pour over the béchamel sauce, sprinkle with the cheese. Repeat the layers.
  5. Lasagna from Armenian lavash is baked for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lasagna from pita bread with chicken - recipe

Lasagna from pita bread with chicken is a dish for those who prefer delicious and balanced food. This is the merit of chicken fillet, which, in combination with a fresh test and tomato sauce, does not overload with calories, but leaves a feeling of satiety. In addition, it is quickly prepared, and therefore you can avoid meat grinders, after sipping the fillets with pieces in a frying pan.



  1. Sliced ​​fillets together with onions.
  2. Simmer the lavash leaf with tomato sauce, fillet and mozzarella.
  3. Make several layers.
  4. Pour the lasagna sauce.
  5. Lasagna from pita bread is baked for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lasagna from pita bread with mushrooms

Lasagna from pita bread with minced meat and mushrooms is one of the interpretations of a popular dish. Unlike other options, this eliminates the cooking of traditional sauces. This is due to the fact that the mushrooms are perfectly combined with cream and sour cream, which is enough to give them a piquant acidity, and pork forcemeat - even more juiciness.



  1. Lubricate the pita bread with a mixture of sour cream and cream and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Fry the mushrooms with minced meat and onions.
  3. Lay on the pita bread stuffing from minced meat, mushrooms and mozzarella.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Lasagna with lavash and béchamel sauce

Considering that lasagna from thin lavash is quickly prepared, many housewives prefer to give time to bechamel sauce . Moreover, he makes any filling expressive, giving the latter a delicate texture and enveloping creamy taste, and for its creation requires a minimal grocery set - flour, butter, milk and spices.



  1. Chicken minced soak.
  2. Add flour, milk and milk to the oil.
  3. Put on lavash pieces of ricotta and chicken mince.
  4. Pour béchamel sauce and sprinkle with rosemary.
  5. Repeat the layers.
  6. Upper - sauce with sauce, Parmesan, rosemary.
  7. Lasagna from pita bread is baked for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pita bread lasagna with sausage and cheese

Lasagna from pita bread in the oven is an opportunity to give the usual sausage and cheese a new taste and a colorful look. At the same time the Europeans themselves do not disdain such experiments and stuff lasagna not only with smoked sausage, but also with sausages, knowing that such a combination in the baking process will enrich the dish with juiciness and smoked flavor.



  1. Mix the butter with flour and milk and boil for 7 minutes.
  2. Slice sausage and sausages.
  3. Put on lavash sauce bechamel, sausage, sausages, cheese and tomato paste.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pita bread lasagna with minced meat and tomatoes

Knowledgeable people in food will agree that the most delicious lasagna from lavash is obtained from minced meat and tomatoes. This combination is recognized as classical, because minced meat stewed with tomatoes - nothing but a sauce Bolognese, without which you can not do. For him, perfectly suited pitted tomatoes in their own juice or fresh chopped fruit.



  1. Fry the mince along with the onion.
  2. Tomatoes finely cut, add to the stuffing and put it out for 5 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the pita bread with a sauce of bolognese, sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
  4. Repeat the layers, alternating the cheeses.
  5. Bake the lasagne at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Lasagna from lavash with cottage cheese and greens

Lasagne from pita bread with cottage cheese is simple, tasty and useful. Everyone knows the invaluable properties of cottage cheese , but in this dish, he even more revealed his versatility, replacing the additional components. The fact is that with heat treatment, the curd takes the form of melted cheese, which makes it possible to dispense with the presence of the latter.



  1. Heat the spinach in a frying pan.
  2. Add the egg, spinach, dill to the cottage cheese.
  3. Whisk the yogurt with the egg and oil the mixture with lavash leaves.
  4. Put the stuffing on them.
  5. Curd lasagna from lavash is baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Vegan lasagna lasagna

Vegetable lavash from lavash has hundreds of versions of cooking. This is due to the variety of vegetables, allowing to create any combination. Traditionally, vegetables are used with juicy pulp. This is good in case when lasagna is cooked without sauce. In this recipe, the freshness and dryness of individual components is compensated by the bechamel sauce.



  1. From flour, butter and milk, prepare the bechamel sauce.
  2. Cut all vegetables and fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the pita bread with sauce, lay some of the vegetables.
  4. Repeat the layers.
  5. Vegetarian lasagna from pita bread is baked 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lasagna from pita bread in multivarka

Extremely delicious and mouth-watering is lavash from lavash with cheese, cooked in a multivarquet. Unlike the oven, where the surface had to be protected with a layer of foil, this modern unit keeps the cheese crust crispy and ruddy, and the whole dish is juicy and baked, while working in the "Baking" mode for only 25 minutes.



  1. Fry the mince in the "Bake" 15 minutes.
  2. Transfer it to a separate container.
  3. Lay the pita bread in a multivark, savoring each with ketchup and yoghurt, minced meat, mozzarella.
  4. Cook in "Baking" for 25 minutes.

Pita bread lasagna with minced meat on a frying pan

Lasagne in a frying pan made from lavash will have to "go to court" to those who do not have an oven. This method of preparation is rational, since roasting and cooking of the whole dish is carried out in the same pan. To prepare a portion of the roasted minced meat remains in the dishes, it is covered with pita bread, it is collected in layers according to the recipe and stewed under the lid.



  1. Fry minced meat for 5 minutes.
  2. Part off, cover the rest with lavash and season with sauce.
  3. Repeat the procedure twice.
  4. Cover the top layer with mozzarella and basil, pour over the juice and simmer in a frying pan for 20 minutes.

Lasagna in a pita lava microwave

Fast lasagna from lavash is possible only in the microwave. Do not think that this modern device has shaken the classic canons of cooking. On the contrary, in it lasagna turns out soft, juicy and pleases every detail. Moreover, microwave waves help to preserve the juiciness of the dish, and therefore you can grease the sheets with a purchase of tomato sauce.



  1. Fry minced meat and garlic for 5 minutes in microwave at 700 watts.
  2. Remove them from the form.
  3. Place pita bread in it, grease it with sauce, put the stuffing and grated cheese.
  4. Repeat the layers.
  5. Cook for 30 minutes at 700 watts.