Yellow circles under the eyes

If the skin color changes, spots or circles appear under the eyes - this is a signal that your body's condition has worsened. Yellow circles under the eyes can talk about problems with internal organs, deterioration of the state as a whole, while they do not look very aesthetic. Therefore, noticing this symptom, you need to immediately take care of your health, and not try to disguise it with a foundation.

Causes of yellow circles

Quite often, the cause of the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes is the appearance of complications with the liver and / or gall bladder. In order to confirm suspicions, it is worth looking at the whites of the eyes, which can also acquire a yellowish tinge. If this is the case, then consult a doctor and go through ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Yellow circles under the eyes can also appear not from health problems, but from an overabundance of carotene. This occurs in case of overeating of products containing this substance:

Circles of yellow-brown under the eyes may appear due to increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light. There are also reasons that can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle:

These factors can cause the appearance of spots under the eyes and other colors: gray, blue, green, and yellow with a green tint. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of them by folk or medicinal means, and not to treat internal organs.

How to eliminate circles under the eyes?

If you notice a discoloration of the skin, you need to see a doctor to find out the reason why the yellow circles appeared under the eyes. If it is really in the deterioration of the liver or gallbladder, then the yellow circles will disappear only after a full treatment. During this period, they must be masked. Therefore, the natural question arises: how to hide the circles under the eyes? People's means will help you in this. At home, you can make effective masks or compresses from potatoes, dill and other available products.

To whiten the skin under the eyes the following potato masks will help:

  1. Boiled crushed potatoes with milk.
  2. Pounded potatoes "in uniform".
  3. Grated raw potatoes with flour.

The mask should be applied two to three times a day on the face and held for 15-20 minutes. In a few days, when the skin brightens, the spots will not be visible, but on condition that your body's condition improves.

If the cause of the appearance of yellow-green circles under the eyes is not a healthy lifestyle, then you need to go in for sports, start eating right, sleep 7-9 hours, and drink less alcohol. This will help not only get rid of the circles, but also generally improve your health. But while your body will be saturated with vitamins and relax, you can get rid of bruises under the eyes with the help of the above masks or with the help of a decoction of parsley (you can use both roots and greens itself).

Greenery not only whitens the skin, but also improves blood circulation, which also affects its color. To use the decoction, you need to get a cotton pad in it. Put it on your eyes and hold for 20 minutes. The procedure should be done in the morning and in the evening, if possible even during the day.

If the cause of the appearance of yellow circles is a negative reaction to the ultraviolet, then it is necessary to protect yourself from sunlight with sunscreens during the day and bleaches in the evening.