Erysipelas on foot - the causes and characteristics of treatment

An erysipelas on his leg is a very common disease. This pathology affects not only the skin but also mucous membranes. It is characterized by certain signs, identifying which at the initial stage, the disease is easier to win and the treatment process takes less time.

Erysipelas - what is this disease?

The name of this disease came from the French language. To be more precise, it resembles the word "rouge", which is literally translated "red". The terms "erysipelas" and "erysipelas" (this is a folk variant) perfectly characterize this pathology, and more specifically, the appearance of redness. More often the disease is diagnosed in women in the older age group. He is also susceptible to men 20-30 years of age, whose professional activities are accompanied by micro-injuries. In the high-risk zone loaders, builders, military and so on.

Erysipelas of the skin is caused by streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes. These harmful microorganisms penetrate through the lesions on the skin. They can be in the body for a long time, without letting themselves know, and at some point they start to activate. In addition, the danger is that streptococci are very tenacious. They have been active for more than a month in pus and sputum. These harmful microorganisms are able to survive even at very low temperatures.

Forms of erysipelas

This ailment has the following varieties:

  1. Erythematous form - for such a variety of pathology is characterized by defeat with clearly defined boundaries. A distinctive feature of this disease is that the inflamed area is painted in a bright, even tone. In addition, the defeat has an irregular shape of the edges.
  2. Erythematous-bullous variety - initially develops as the above form, but later exfoliation of the skin begins. At the same time, bubbles filled with a colorless liquid appear on this site. After the blisters burst, a brown crust forms in their place.
  3. Bullous-hemorrhagic variety of the disease - outwardly it looks like the above form. A distinctive feature is that the bubbles are filled with blood.
  4. Erythematous hemorrhagic form - hemorrhage is observed in the affected areas.

Erysipelatous foot inflammation in terms of severity is as follows:

The prevalence of erysipelas on the leg may be as follows:

By the multiplicity of occurrence distinguish such types of ailment:

What does the face look like on the leg?

The appearance of this lesion largely depends on the form of the disease. If erysipelas is erythematous, then it looks like a shiny reddened patch of skin. With the erythematous-bullous variety, blisters with a clear liquid appear. For the bullous-hemorrhagic form, the filling of such bubbles with blood is characteristic. With an erythematous hemorrhagic variety, a hemorrhage appears on the affected area.

Is the face on the leg?

This ailment concerns infectious diseases. The disease is very contagious. For this reason, the disease of erysipelas on the foot requires immediate medical attention. The risk of infection of surrounding people is great. After contact with an infected person, you should carefully wash your hands with soap and follow other hygiene rules. A high likelihood of an ailment is noted in the summer-autumn period.

Erysipelas on the foot - reasons

The causative agent of this ailment enters the body through such "windows":

In addition, 85% of people are carriers of streptococcal infection. However, they have good immunity: it neutralizes the activity of a harmful microorganism. Nevertheless, there are factors that weaken the protective system, which creates favorable conditions for the activity of streptococci. These include "provocateurs":

Still here from what there is a mug on a leg or foot:

Erysipelas of the foot - symptoms

This ailment has a long incubation period: it is 10 days. At the initial stage of the pathology, the symptoms are of a general nature. The erysipelas on the leg of this stage are accompanied by the following symptoms:

After a day from the beginning of the manifestation of common signs of malaise, such local symptoms are connected to them:

The mug on the leg - how to treat?

Before appointing treatment, the doctor will recommend the patient to undergo a thorough and comprehensive examination. It includes the following manipulations:

With a mild form of pathology, outpatient treatment of erysipelas is performed on the leg, and when the stage is started, the fight against the disease is carried out under stationary conditions. To enhance the medicamental effect, such physiotherapeutic manipulations are prescribed:

The erysipelas on the leg are treated with the following medicines:

In addition, erysipelas, the treatment provides for using topical preparations. These include such medicines:

The erysipelas on a leg or foot assumes use of such antipyretic and anti-inflammatory preparations:

Antibiotics for erysipelas

Drug medications of this group may be administered intramuscularly or orally. They are used, even when treatment of erysipelatous feet inflammation at home is carried out. To achieve positive dynamics, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations without fail. More often appoint such antibiotics at a mug on a leg or foot:

Erysipelas on leg - treatment with folk remedies

Such therapy is of an auxiliary nature. Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies involves the use of the following "medicines":

Treatment of erysipelas with herbal infusion


Preparation, application

  1. Medicinal herbs are poured with water and send the mixture to the stove.
  2. After boiling the drug reduce the fire to small and continue to cook for another quarter of an hour.
  3. Ready to cool the broth. Wet cotton wheels in this composition and apply a compress twice a day for half an hour.

Honey ointment


Preparation, application

  1. Dry medicinal herbs are ground into a powder.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and mixed with honey.
  3. This ointment is applied to the affected leg area at night.

Erysipelas - consequences

Negative consequences are found in 8% of cases. They are more often caused by the fact that the mug on the affected leg is neglected. Also complications are provoked by inadequate treatment. Disease of the erysipelas on the leg is accompanied by such negative consequences: