What is corruption and how is it manifested?

Often people hear about such a mysterious manifestation as spoilage. But not everyone knows what spoilage is and how it manifests itself, therefore, in order to better understand this issue, it is necessary to first find the exact definition.

So, damage is a disastrous ritual of black magic , whose main task is to harm the purpose of the rite. Every person needs to properly monitor their health and well-being. To determine whether a person is under the influence of black magic, there are many ways. We will look at some of them.

How does corruption affect a person?

If a person spoils, there may be problems with sleeping, there will be various diseases that can not be diagnosed. It also happens that pets start reacting sharply to the presence of the owner. Noticing the occurrence of causeless difficulties at work and financial difficulties, it is necessary to pay attention to this, because this too can be one of the reasons for the manifestation of spoilage.

Thus, both spoilage and evil eye can manifest. A few other reasons may be poor health, frequent depression, hatred of everything and fatigue. If you feel a breakdown - this may indicate a maleficent, and therefore of envy from someone else's side towards you.

How does corruption affect loneliness?

Corruption to loneliness is considered a negative magical action, which can occur accidentally. Such a curse can arise even from if someone constantly repeats that "with such a character no one will get along." Therefore, you need to monitor every word you say.

To frequent symptoms of spoiling for loneliness is the susceptibility to various diseases, complete indifference to the opposite sex, frequent ruptures of the relationship .

How does corruption appear and how to remove it?

We already know about the manifestations of spoilage, but in order to remove it there is a very effective and easy way.

So, you need to take your small photo and paste it on a blank white sheet. The sheet will need to be trimmed, but so that it is slightly larger in size than the photograph. Blanks should be placed in the heart area "face" forward, and carry with them for three days. After the passed time, you need to take a saucer and light a candle. Get a sheet with a photo, crop around photo paper. Your photo should be hidden in a dark envelope and hidden in a secret place where no one will find it. The cut paper should be burned. The candle should burn to the end.