Jam from currant with oranges

Recently, in some countries cooking homemade jam has become a kind of fashion. Jam, of course, can not be called a particularly useful product due to the presence of sugar and because a significant part of the nutrients contained in fruit-berries are destroyed during the heat treatment. However, it should be noted that jam is still one of the most popular traditional methods of preservation, jam to tea, definitely, is more useful than sugar, and, after all, sometimes it is banal to feel pampered with something special.

Since there is currently no problem in selling various fruits from exotic warm countries, a tendency has appeared to combine local fruits with imported ones in jams. Well, quite an interesting solution, a kind of refinement for the surprise of guests and domestic, a vivid manifestation of culinary creativity. The new is always interesting. In addition, jams with unexpected flavors may be needed for making confectionery.

Black currant jam with orange



First, carefully sort out the berries, remove randomly fallen leaves, place in a sieve and rinse with cold water, and then lay out freely on a napkin. Oranges thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, then cut into slices, without removing the peel. Bones choose.

Now the currant and orange slices are passed through the meat grinder. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.

Then you can act in one of the ways, "cold" or "hot", the first, of course, is preferable, since the maximum of useful substances, including, and vitamin C, so necessary for the human body is stored.

"Cold" way. We lay the prepared currant-orange mass in sterilized jars, put plastic lids on the jars and store them in the refrigerator.

"Hot" way is suitable for those who have an in-built refrigerator. The prepared mass is heated to almost boil or kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then we put on or tighten the covers. You can simply lay a cold mass in a jar and sterilize it in a basin of water.

To avoid the possible appearance of mold on the surface, cut out a circle from the paper with a size slightly more than the neck of the jar, moisten it with vodka and densely place the currant jam on the surface (after which we put on or twist the lid).

Acting in approximately the same way, you can cook jam from red currant with raspberries and orange. The calculation of the ingredients is almost the same as in the first recipe (see above), just take 0.5 kg of currant and raspberries. Raspberry is best not to pass through the meat grinder, and wipe through a sieve.

"Cold" jam from red currant with oranges and bananas



You need a container with a capacity of not more than 750 ml, and better - 0.5 liters. First, the broken currant is covered with sugar, mixed and let stand. When currants let the juice, add the juice of orange juice and mix again. At the bottom of each jar (of course, sterilized steam) lay pieces of the peeled banana, sprinkle them with lemon juice and top with a mixture of currant and sugar with orange juice. Top with sugar under the neck of the can. You need sugar to form a crust. We put plastic lids on the jars and place them in the refrigerator. If a week later the sugar peel dissolved, add more sugar.

I do not think that anyone will prepare such jam in large quantities (and for 2-4 cans, most likely, there is a place in the refrigerator), but thanks to the "cold" method we will keep all vitamins and other useful substances in the original fruits -agricultures. In addition, the pieces of banana will keep the shape.