Glystoynnye drugs for cats

Infection with parasites is one of the most common problems in cats. Worms, as well as fleas, attack our pets, harming their health, so fighting them is mandatory. Let's discuss with you the use of anthelmintics for cats: what drugs are better, how often to give them, etc.

Modern anthelmintic tablets for cats are used for the prevention and treatment of infection with helminths of various species. In cats, it is, first of all, round (nematodes) and ribbon (cestodes) worms. They settle in a cat's body, entering the intestine along with raw meat, fish, stale or poor-quality food. If the helminthiasis is not treated in a timely manner, the parasites can move for a long time in the organism, causing damage to various organs of the animal right up to the very sad outcome. Therefore, if your pet has noticed symptoms of infection with worms (problems with digestion, worsening of the condition of the coat, lethargy and drowsiness), be sure to contact the veterinarian or pharmacist.

Prevent infection is recommended every 3 months, and this applies to domestic cats that are not on the street. In addition, anthelmintic agents for cats are used before grafting, mating, lambing (for 10-12 days).

Types and forms of anthelmintic drugs for cats

Means from worms are produced in various forms so that everyone can choose the most suitable form of the preparation for their pet. In particular, these are glistonous tablets, suspension, drops and paste in the withers for cats. Drops cost a little more, but they are more convenient to give finicky animals and small kittens. Tablets can be mixed with food or put the cat on the root of the tongue, so she immediately swallowed the medicine.

As for the types of anthelmintic drugs for cats, the most popular among them are drontal, milbemax, prazitel, prazitsid, fegtal, dironet and others. On the first three of them let us dwell in more detail.


Like many modern drugs, this drug relieves cats from several types of helminths. Drontal is an effective remedy of a wide spectrum: for the prevention of an animal it is enough to give only one dose of the drug. Tablet Drontal is calculated on the weight of a cat, equal to 4 kg, and this should be taken into account at dosage.

There are no contraindications to this drug, it can be given to kittens aged 3-4 weeks, pregnant cats and animals of advanced age.


The action of the French Milbemax is based on the same principle as the above-described remedy. However, Milbemax, unlike drontal, is available in the form of tablets for adult cats and cats and separately - for kittens and young animals. Do not give the drug to patients with infectious diseases or weakened after illness cats, with a violation of the liver and kidneys or with a pronounced sensitivity to the components of this anthelmintic.


This drug is more universal - it is available both in the form of tablets and in suspension. The active substances that make up Prasitel act on all types of worms , ensuring that your pet's body is cleaned of parasites. Breeders, amateurs and veterinarians note that the drug is well tolerated by animals and does not harm them. Prazitel is derived from the cat's body relatively quickly - during the day.

Taking care of your cat, do not neglect the prevention of helminth infection, because the health of the animal in many ways affects its behavior. Run the worms on time, and your pet will always be cheerful and cheerful.