Worms in cats - symptoms

Most cat owners are confident that their pets are clean and tidy, especially since if a cat never went out on the street, the owners are very surprised - where a domestic cat can have worms. Unfortunately, even for a fully domestic cat, the risk of getting infected with worms is very high, because helminth eggs are present almost everywhere: in soil, water and even in air. You can bring parasitic larvae on clothes or shoes.

Types of worms in cats

The most common types of parasites in cats are:

Symptoms of parasite infestation depend on the age of the cat and the type of worms with which it is infected, but there are some common symptoms: lethargy, poor animal condition, diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, or too strong hunger, although the cat loses weight.

How to get worms in a cat?

If you notice any of these symptoms from your pet, then we advise you to contact the veterinarian, as it may be harbingers of some other serious disease and antiparasitic treatment will not help your pet, and time will be lost.

If an expert confirms your cat's disease as a worm infection, then he will tell you what is best for them to cure your cat. At the moment, there is a large selection of a variety of means for breeding worms. It is best to choose a medicine in tablets that can be given to a cat either with liquid food or dissolved in water.

Usually one time is enough to cleanse the cat from parasites. If, after treatment, you do not notice an improvement in the condition of the pet, or if the worms are present in the cat's vomiting, you should repeat the course in two weeks. It is also necessary to closely monitor the cat, because if the infection was strong, then because of the mass death and decomposition of helminths in the body, the cat may experience intoxication.

To conduct deworming for preventive purposes should be at least twice a year by any means of worms for cats. In addition to the tablets, there are special drops that need to be applied to the skin of the cat between the shoulder blades. But still the most reliable means are usually considered pills.

For small and not strengthened organism kittens worms are most dangerous, can lead to a lethal outcome. For the first time, kittens are helpless at three weeks of age, then at three months and at six months of age. In addition to preventive courses, the cat should be given antiparasitic drugs two weeks before each inoculation.

At the same time, raw meat and fish should not be given to the cat, since they can contain helminth eggs.

You may be tormented by the question of why your cat has worms, if she never left the house and did not contact other animals. Unfortunately, this is not yet a guarantee that your pet can not become infected. Prophylactic measures will help reduce the risk of infection to a minimum, or identify the problem at an early stage. After all, parasites are more dangerous than many people think. They poison the body of the carrier with the waste of its vital activity. Worms in a pregnant cat can lead to intrauterine infection of kittens and become a threat to their life and health. Among other things, do not forget that most types of worms in cats are transmitted to humans.

Therefore, taking into account all of the above, we advise you to pay more attention to prevention, so that you do not have to worry about what to do if your cat has worms. We wish health to you and your four-legged pets.